
How do you deal with an existential crisis?

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I believe I am going through one.




  1. It is what you make it..

    if you're bored check out Rene Descartes..

    I feel its a circular argument, however you may stump on something interesting..

    Good Luck!

  2. Explore every type of religious theory and philosophical body of thought that you can get your eyes on.  Eventually you will begin to form an opinion and narrow what you believe to be correct.  And feel free to take any little or big piece from any source.  Your existential faith has no boundaries nor limits on structure.

  3. For me, I chose to become Agnostic.

    1) I believe 'Existential Crisis' refers to one.. facing their own mortality(death)... and making some sort of resolution in how to face the rest of their lives...

    2) To me... I ride the fence on the whole after-life issue.... I suppose if I became a full-blown Atheist... I might be more inclined to get with it and improve my Quality of Life as fast as I could.. so I can enjoy as much zest from this present-reality as I could... and die.. content that I did the best I could with the time I was allotted on this planet...

    3) But their is also a spirtual side to my life... that 9 times out of 10... I seem to pass off as idle-coincidence... these are the anomalies of life.. that most scientist can't explain.. and most remain skeptical of, because they have no instruments to measure such things... these things belong to the Occult(hidden), paranormal, Spirtitual disciplines of life..

    4) For me to choose one side over the other seems like just as much intellectual-sucide as becoming a Skeptic(Atheist) or a full-flown-believer...

    5) The side of the fence that remains Skeptical... allows me to be less duped into purchasing the Kool-Aid of the snake-oil-salesman of the malicious-religious... while the side of the fence that is spirtitual, gives me an open enough mind.. that rational-science has only defined and begun to understood a drop-in-the-bucket of truth that is out their in our infinite-universe...

    6) All that to say, I have come to resolve my own personal existential-crisis by allowing neither skeptic nor true-believer to define what my personal-resolution is.... and until I have more info and reason to pick one side over the other.. I will remain on the straight-and-narrow of my fence riding beliefs as long as that should take.

    7) Hegel said it best(parentheses mine).. 'The truth lies neither in Thesis(Religion) nor Antithesis(Atheism), but an emerging Synthesis(Agnosticism??) of the two.'

  4. Well, I can't say for sure if you exist - after all to me you are just words on a screen. However, if you are like me (although to you I am just words on a screen so feel free to doubt the authenticity of MY existence)  and have independent thought then find solace in the phrase "I think; therefore I am"

  5. Become a sceptical agnostic. Renounce all your former beliefs and start again with a blank page. Read some Buddhist literature, they deal with crises such as these in a very satisfying way without the requirement of faith.

  6. Not to be too much of a smart ---, but you deal with an existential crisis by yourself.  Look up existentialism in Wikipedia if you don't get it. If you really do need help, see a counselor.  You can find one in the yellow pages, and some communities offer them as a part of their community service centers at little or no cost.  Take care.  The existential joke is funny, I promise.

  7. The classic view of existentialism is that existence precedes essence. Are you in anguish before yourself? Maybe studying philosophy would help you with you "existential crisis."

    Actually, it would most likely make it worse but at least you'd have a better understanding of it.  

  8. yeah.its called "too much time on ur hands."

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