
How do you deal with an unruly three year old?

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My three year old is acting up more and more. This last week feels like the worse and it just seems to be nonstop. we are talking about blatant disrespect and disobeying. No seems to mean go ahead and do it again. Punishments result in her smirking and leaving the corner before her time is up. I don't have the strength, energy or ability to watch her in time out every second as I have a demanding one year old as well. If you don't have advice on how to handle a three year old could you at least reassure me that it gets easier? Also, is "locking" in the room not a suitable punishment for a three year old as time outs, toys taken and privileges (park, outdoor time, tv shows) revoked arn't working? I'm at my witts end and open to anything that isn't child abuse at this point!




  1. The next time she acts up, tell her NO! Very loudly and firmly.

  2. What ever happened to good ole spankings. There is a BIG difference from spanking to beating. Time out and a corner Does not work with a 2 or 3 yr old. Discipline is a thing of the past with parents these days. Why do you think there are so many KIDS getting in trouble with the law these days.. because PARENTS DONT DISCIPLINE THEIR CHILDREN. Give her a spanking she will LOVE you more for it in the long run

  3. I have a couple sugestions,  

    1) If you are cooking or in the kitchen give her a timeout spot in that room, or if your in the living room give her a timeout spot there,(etc)

    2)Start a chart, everytime she disobeys you, put a sticker on the wall, tell her if she gets to 3 a day she loses a toy or a time she likes. You could also do something like if she does obey you she gets a sticker and if she gets 3-5 a day she'll get a new toy or something else she wants.

    3)Tell her NOOOO! Put her in timeout and tell her dont move or you have to sit there longer.

                                          Hope this helps!

  4. from what i am told all the time your think terrible twos are bad 3 and 4s are the worst and it dont get better after that well i guess that is true wow I'm not waiting for that anyways have your tryed spanking or being more stricked my daughter knows if she dont come to me by 3 she gets a spanking and when i start counting she comes to me quickly or do your self a behavior chart or do a money thing all kids loves money get a jar and everytime she behaves giver her a dime and let her put in the jar and that should help

  5. i know what you mean. i have a three year old soon to be 4 and it is non-stop all the time. I have a 6 year old too and she is very mouthy and it hasn't gotten any better it gets worse as she gets older.   saying NO louder doesn't work.  i have tried everything.  

    she might be jelous of the 1 year old too.

  6. It does get better!  One day down 300 or so more to go!!!  Congratulations!  If it gets really hard sign her up for a mom's day out program where she attends one or two days a week.  

    I know this sounds too simple to be true but have you tried telling her what to do.  For example, if she's throwing toys all over the house, you can say,....."In our house, we only throw toys on the floor in the basement, do you want to go to the basement to throw toys on the floor"

    ......Maybe you can say something like......Are you throwing toys on the floor because you need me right now?  Do you need mommy time?  ......You can then pick her up and give her some snuggles and 100% of your attention.  After she's calm, you can help her fix whatever it was she messed you're fixing whatever it is, you can talk about your feelings and how whatever it was made you sad but now you're so happy because she is being so helpful.

    Make up little jobs for her to do.  And ask her to help you clean the house.  (I filled an old febreeze bottle with water and gave my daughter a swiffer and a roll of paper towels)  She'll spend a half hour cleaning the floors, the walls, the windows...etc~~  YES, she makes more of a mess but she's happy and not really doing any harm.

  7. Why not try positive reinforcement, like a star chart? I.e. when she's well behaved she gets stars, and then after so many stars, she gets some sort of treat?

    For a three year old surely it is easier to give incentives for her good behaviour, than to wage wars over punishments. However, with the time-out thing, just persist, and if she moves return her there and begin again until it sinks in. Never use time out for too long though, because after a while she simply won't associate having to be in time out with whatever she did wrong.

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