
How do you deal with backstabbers at the workplace?

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For example, let's say you were in the same room with a few of your co-workers. Thing is there was a wall covering half the room so the co-workers couldn't see you. Next thing you know after you leave and sit behind the wall you hear them talking about you. I did nothing about this except listen in. I didn't like what I heard. I mean I'm non-confrontational and don't want to make a big deal out of this, but how would you respond to dealing with backstabbers at the workplace?




  1. Do nothing and let them hang themselves.  Everyone catches on to the backstabbers eventually.

  2. I used to keep a daily log on my workdays. Like I would write down when i did something , when I gave someone something, the times dates, things like that.I guess to deal with them is to ackowledge that you dont have to like them but you do have to work with them, rise above thier pettiness and dont be pulled into that position. Your Boss will see that you are not concerned with gossip and I bet you'll get promoted over them.

  3. OK, cut out a cardboard knife and write your co-workers names on it, then tape it onto your back so it looks like someone stabbed you with it. Then just walk around the office all day and see if you get any responses.

  4. mac, were we twins in another life? I mean backstabbers fill to the rim where i work too....

    there was 1 who was most likely to endanger my job one day i pulled her aside and said "Listen, if you have a problem with me, say it to my face, ok?  Also, if you hate me SO MUCH, i'd recommend you leave 'cause i'm staying, OK??"

    She was silent like a sucker.......  

  5. I work at a software company. They are spying on us all the time. If we are not making enough progress, the manager's bootlickers will report us as slackers and we get penalized.

    As a result, everybody has become very good at pretending to work, but not good at actually working.

    What you need to do to get people off you back is explode at them. Make sure you have some work done to throw in their face when it happens. I chewed out my manager in this way, now she doesn't even spy on me.

  6. lets say they said you have big like,so,are you guys okay?let them talk,then say,you mean my ears arent blocking the sun?somtin like that

  7. kind-ness

  8. I deal with them the same way that I deal with all back stabbers. I stop trusting them. I don't rely on them. I don't confide in them. I don't give them the chance to s***w me again. I basically cut ties. I've always made friends in my place of work. But it is a risky thing doing. Because it can jepordize your work, your friendship, and your work performance. Don't be afraid to confront them if you think that it is neccasary. Maybe do it outside of work if you see them anywhere else. Or you can even do it at work. Just make sure it is appropriate. Don't cause a scene. And don't get yourself into trouble. If you can let it go, then do. Sometimes it's wiser to bite your tounge. You don't need to get the last word. They will get the clue when you shun them.  

  9. i would not deal personally with them unless it was work related. if you hear them say something again in that situation just say something like, "oh is that so?" it will scare them crapless in the middle of them talking about you. just because there's a half wall doesn't mean that blocks sound  

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