
How do you deal with being disliked by others in school?

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How do you deal with being disliked by others in school?




  1. Well, in this world EVERYBODY isn't gonna like you. And you can't make them like you. Isn't there at least one person you don't like?

  2. Find other others.

  3. Don't pay them any mind not everybody is going to like you. Be yourself and do things that make you happy. That is all you can do. There are always going to be people that are mad. If you think about it they are wasting their time and energy to "NOT LIKE YOU" I bet you that none of them even know you. Don't waste your life worrying about things like this. Ignore it and do what makes you happy. TRust ME!!


  4. Was I supposed to deal with it?  I didn't care what people thought of me...and still don't.  It takes time to get there so practice everyday.  Just pick one insult, one incident, one person, and say I won't let that bother me.  Let the rest bother you, just not that one.  When you can do that regularly, add two.  It gets easier as you go.  

  5. I would say stop worrying about the ones that dont like you. I used to obsess over that, Id be thinking why? I didnt do anything to them! whats wrong with me that they dont like?

    it was a waste of my time, looking back, i dont know any of those people anymore so it was never worth the time I wasted thinkin about it. Do you atleast have one good friend? Cuz thats what matters, not everyone can be your best friend. And if they are giving you a hard time or something, kill it with kindness. they hate that. hahaha sarcasm and laughing always worked well for me, I had people not like me just because of whos sister I was so I really had to gain my own identity, it was annoying. but I made it and I still have my best friend from 9th grade. just be you, who gives a c**p who likes it?  hope it helped, byby.

  6. how do you identify this dislike in others.

    Stage (age), Psychosocial crisis, Significant relations, Psychosocial modalities, Psychosocial virtues, Maladaptations & malignancies

    V (12-18 or so) --

    adolescence, ego-identity vs role-confusion, peer groups, role models, to be oneself, to share oneself, fidelity, loyalty, fanaticism -- repudiation

    VI (the 20’s) --

    young adult, intimacy vs isolation, partners, friends to lose and find oneself in a

    another, love, promiscuity -- exclusivity

    Chart adapted from Erikson's 1959 Identity and the Life Cycle (Psychological Issues vol 1, #1)

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