
How do you deal with being sad?

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well the thing is i been depressed about things often and i was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to deal with depression?




  1. Sorry you're feeling down.   I usually try to escape by watching a movie or reading a book.  Go out with friends, someone with a great sense of humor so it will help get your mind off your troubles..  

  2. just listen to music, take a nap, get distracted and FUHGETT ABOUT IT !!

  3. listen to music, chill out, get more sleep, eat healthy, exercise

  4. When I find myself depressed, I first identify specifically what it is I am sad about, then I make sure to tell myself that it will pass, as it usually does.  If I don't tell myself that, I just end up in this rut where sadness over one thing spurs all over depression.

  5. I try to get myself out of the house and this usually helps a lot.

    The trouble is ,  it is hard to get yourself out when you are feeling low.

    I am really depressed right now and just getting on here takes my mind off it by reading others troubles and trying to help.

  6. take a shot of some tequilla and forget about it :)

  7. get into some activities such as sports

    try to keep busy

    look at the good things in your life

    see how other people might have it worse than you

    just live for today, life is too short

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