
How do you deal with death ?

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i carnt get over my nanna dieing she was the best nan eva and now shes gone i didnt get to say bye bye or i love u or anithin




  1. I'll bet you told your nanna that you love her a million times. She knew. My grandma died this year, and she was so ready to go. She was 93, and she was tired. She told me all this as long as ten years ago. Your nanna knew everthing you felt, don't worry. Try to let her go as a gift to her. I know that's what she would want.

  2. Death of a loved one is the worst pain that you can feel in this life.  I have had many losses in my life; both of my parents, one of my brothers and several friends.  We all deal with death differently and it is not something that you really get over.  I was 18 when my mother died; her death was sudden and not expected - and it changed me forever.  She went into the hospital for a routine operation and we were told that the operation was successful.  But, due to unforeseen complications and mistakes made by the hospital, she passed away.  I also didn't get to chance to say good-by or I love you to my mother; she was fine the last night we visited her, but sleeping.  Early the next morning we received the call that she had passed during the night.

    The truth is you do take it one day at a time - your life will never be the same again and you will find that life will take on a new "normal".  My way to deal with grief is to withdraw (we all deal with grief differently, but the point is to allow yourself to grieve and to take as much time as you need to heal from your loss) - I need to be alone and to give my grief free reign.  It is good to cry and to remember and to grieve and it is also emotionally healthy - but I need to do this in private.  Each and every day you become a little bit stronger and your grief easier to bear.  You also learn that in one way you never really lose the people you love; they are a part of you and you carry them with you every day, in your heart - a very special place in your heart where the love and cherished memories of this person will always be, alive in your heart and always a comfort to you.

    I know how sad and heartbroken you must feel right now.  I am so sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to you.  God Bless.


    You can join groups and talk to other kids going through the same thing.

    Sorry sweetie, I know it hurts.

  4. I would rather welcome it

  5. Everyone deals with death in different ways because we all are individuals.  There is no right or wrong way of getting through it either.  Mostly it just takes time as a saying goes, "Time heals all wounds".  I can say that it is true, since I have been in your shoes and experienced what you have.  Let me suggest that you read about it so that you will better understand what you feel.  You should be able to find these books in a public library.

         Where Is God When It Hurts? by Philip Yancy

         The Dynamics of Grief by David K. Switzer

    These books may be of some comfort to you and I suggest that you take your time in trying to cope with this death.  It will take time and if you try to rush through it, you will find that you are only going to get more frustrated with it.  I know because I have experienced the death of many friends and family through the years.  Some of them I was prepared for and others came when I wasn't expecting it.  Yet no matter how prepared one is for it, there is still the grief that one has to work through.  It is a normal thing.  What would worry me about you would be if you had no care or grief at all.  That would tell me that you had a problem with her death.  However, your grief tells me that you are normal and going through the process the way it should be.

    Store up the best memories that you have and dwell on them, especially the fun and enjoyable times you spent together.  These will keep her alive within you and ease the pain.  I'm sure she loved you as much as you loved her.  Treasure that always.  Don't worry that you and she didn't get to say bye.  I'm sure she understood it and didn't hold it against you.

    Try this also.  Place your left hand on your right shoulder.  Place your right hand on your left shoulder.  Now gently pull both shoulders at the same time.  You have just been hugged by a veteran who cares about you.  Do this as often as you need it.  Hang in there kiddo.  You can make it through this.

  6. well that is hard losing your grandmother who you loved so much and only know that god has sent for her to heal her and give her a better life its hard for a young one to understand especially when you are hurting from missing her always know that she will always be in your heart

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