
How do you deal with depression?

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how do you deal with it? are there ways? if there are, share them!




  1. Everyday depression I always find something to motivate myself towards the positive.  My daughter is the strongest motivater I have.  For the reason if I start to get depressed and lose a grasp of what is going on,  I tell myself that I am no longer doing things just for me but for her as well.

    Walking, listening to music, and writing.  

    Realize as well everybody's depression is different as well.  There are clinically depressed.  Bi-Polar/Manic Depressive (which I am) and people who are just having bad days.  

    So find something you like.  Someone you care about.  Look for the good in you and work towards that.  That is the only advice I have.

  2. Yes, there are many ways. The best way is to go to your GP. They may give you medication or send you to see a psychiatrist. There isn't enough room to name all the ways to treat depression!

  3. Depends what type of depression   post  natal, bipolar etc......first  step talk to your doc or some other professional

    best of luck!

  4. buy a book on it and dont stop until youve finished it. helped me a lot.  

  5. try and find something to distract you like playin guitar or a sport, whatever you enjoy. Also playing music really really loud and singing along helps me.

  6. Create: Create greatness of your body, your mind and things that can make you grow as a person...people can't take away from you what you have built and achieved in yourself...

  7. talk with a friend...

    try something new and enjoyable...

    keep yourself active so you can forget about what's troubling you...

    you could actually fix the problem that's causing your depression...

    you can just live with it and go on with your life as if nothing is wrong...

    and a buncha other stuff i don't feel like putting up...

  8. Hi Marc,

    Personally I deal with my depression by surrounding myself with as much support as I can espeically professionally- i have my gp, key worker, psychiatrist and have been involved with others.

    I take my medication daily without fail.

    I try to keep myself busy even when it's the last thing i want to do

    I write my feelings down to try and get them out of my system

    I listen to music

    and sometimes i have a good cry or a wee sleep and try to rest

    Other ways that are recommended are exercise, yoga, relaxation, socialising, getting hobbies, eating and sleeping well, trying out different therapies, maybe reading books on depression like self help books or look for support groups in your area.

    Unfortunately there is no straightforward remedy for it, its a matter of trial and error. many of these ways we are all mentioning will probably not make the feelings disappear, infact they won't but they may just help a little and as Asda say "every little helps"

    best of luck


  9. I am prescribed a drug called Escitalopram

  10. smoke weed

  11. well, I started with a trip to a psychiatrist, he diagnosed me, then suggest ed medications and cognitive behavioral therapy.  I did that for about eight years... then I discovered some natural supplements, and met a very helpful man who assisted me in contacting my inner self, so I learned to control my emotions rather than letting them control me... it's been a long journey, but I am doing well now

  12. Stop caring about most things and just chill. Thats what I did and my depression went away

  13. A d**n good walk

  14. Hang with friends and share troubles, plus doing sport (usually tennis or swimming) gets me back mentally.

  15. 1) make sure you get enough sunlight

    2) make sure you get plenty of exercise

    3) make sure you get plenty of sleep

    4) make sure you eat lots of fruits/vegetables and a few nuts.. - raw fruits/veggies should make up most of your diet..

    5) forgive people who have hurt you.

    6) if you are grieving let yourself grieve.

    7) do something mindless - don't think too much -

    8) do something for others..

    9) spend time outside, it's less depressing usually.. and find some hobbies to occupy your time and thoughts.. go take pictures or something..  

    10) try to be with people..  and learn to listen..

    11) if you've done everything you can, then go to a psychiatrist, it should be your last - not first resort.

  16. when i was at primary school i had no friends, and then when it was time to move secondary schools i was so scared, i hated it and i was worried i had no friends... i cried everyday and then i asked if i can move schools, i still had the same feelings, like i was gonna be a loner and i was so scared to come to school, one day i said to my parents that i was gonna run away, and my mum took me to the doctors, and i saw a nurse, they said that i was depressed, and they did stuff and got me set up with a councellor or something.. and then when they got back to me i was fine, i made friends, and i think thats what it is.

    I think you have to find what you're depressed over and then try and sort it, or go to a doctor, nurse or someone and get it sorted.

    I really hope i helped, and my story helps..

    Not that i think it does.

    But anyway

    Good luck, if its you who is depressed.


  17. One good way, which was taught to me, was to go for long walks. This can be quite boring, but there seems to be a connection between exercise and feeling better mentally.

    Of course, this is only one possible remedy. Others include diet, counselling, medication etc..

  18. I either do my gardening to take my mind of depression or go to sleep to block it out.

  19. its hard to deal mostly in your head..always thinking of the bad in life..and if there is anything always find the bad..i know how it works..cause i may be going thru it..all you can do is change it up..dosomething completley new in life that you have no excperience of it being good or bad, and make it a good experience..if you have money, buy a new cd, listen to a song you havent out, if you have a car, clean it, if you have kids, take them out,

  20. Therapy and Welbutrin

  21. To be honest with you i have a friend that has been depressed for two and a half years now, she has been taking anti-depressants different kinds and don't really help. They help only for the moment. The best thing is to go to consoler and have few sessions. Many depressed people think this is just waste of time but it helps a lot. My friend started to go consoler and have started to think more positively but then she start being lazy and stop going there and again is stuck at home and being depressed.  

  22. So a patient goes to her therapist and asks what is wrong.  He looks through his most recent notes and declares, "You're crazy!"

    "Well," she answers a bit taken aback and quite offended, "I would like a second opinion."  "Okay," the doctor responds, "you are ugly too."

    I made you smile....

    It is okay to accept that some days you just don't feel like you can go on, and some days have to be broken down into smaller portions so you can get through the next portion of the day, or hour, or 5 minutes.  That is all okay.  

    You cannot do the same things you are doing in the same order and with the same people.  One portion or all of the portions of the equation need to change in order for you to feel better.  It is easy to hear you should talk to someone, exercise, doing something new and exciting.  You are thinking of choking the person on the other line, possibly hurting someone two buildings down during your work out, or classifying new and exciting as....

    Cut yourself some slack!  You have been working hard at trying to figure out what to do about your problem and you can't see the solution so easily....that's okay.  It all seems pointless and you tried so hard so far, you have lost so much and so much time has past, and you are still not where you want to be....that is okay too.  It is okay to fail temporarily, even if it feels permanent.  (If you are truly depressed you should be screaming at the isn't ok.  If I caught you then you owe me one smile, one "Oh yeah!", and one "it's ok."

    Each person, in my unprofessional opinion, when properly managed by those around them can become modern day heroes.  We have to get to that person and find that thing that makes it all click for us.  We have to try to keep looking even when we don't want to.

    Talking to yourself can sometimes be better company than some of what you might currently keep....but that might make you crazy and if you're ugly too, then you are really in trouble :) Joking of course  

  23. There are lots of ways to be honest.

    People say talk to a friend to help calm you're nerves or perhaps even take up cigarettes to make you relax.

    I've never smoked in my life and never will, the best thing i find is to talk to a friend either in real life or on line that your comfortable sharing feelings with. I have a really good friend on line and we both confide in each other.

    In a way we sympathize with each other and sometimes i try and brighten up a person and i brighten up myself.

    But to be honest, your best choice is talk to a friend you really can trust and perhaps talk about why you're depressed or perhaps use them as an excuse to talk about things you like.

    Often i find talking to others and getting them exited about things i like makes me feel happy :P

    I hope you get rid of your depression. If you are depressed Lol :P

  24. Cymbalta

  25. Quit thinking of it like its a disease its an emotion you just have to make yourself get over it, our Barney style society is telling everybody this is a sickness its not  

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