
How do you deal with dog days?

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are they really bad where you live? it doesnt get so bad where i live but sometimes it can get up to 105-110. how do you and your dog cope? i usually drive them up to a nice big lake and let'em go! hehe they tear up that lake. so what do you guys do?




  1. We have a big kiddie pool in the back yard for both my big lab puppy and my little pomeranian, we turn on the air, leave them inside when we leave, and give them plenty of cold water.

  2. I work at night and sleep during the day, and the pups come in the bedroom with me, so if its really hot, they get to chill (literally) in the only air conditioned room in the house! If I wake up and there's still daylight left, we go swimming in the lake we live on! My pups also LOVE ice cubes and pops.

  3. Great question!

    I live in Las Vegas and it is HOT! Lucky for me (sarcasm) my air conditioner broke down today and since it is Sunday, no one could come to fix it...sad sad day. So we went to the pool...It has jets and sprinklers so it is good for both my small dogs and my big baby. While we are home, lots of ice, water and cool mats help but today has been the worst day for us yet!

  4. Well, I live in Canada and my dog just came up from Louisiana so she is ususlly cold while I'm sweating like a pig! Southern Ontario can get pretty hot and where I am it is always extremely muggy and humid so we (my dog and I) bike down to the park and I make her walk in the fountain with me. Only ankle deep though cause she doesn' want to go into the deeper section. (I don't blame her. She is a hurricane survivor so she probably never wants to have to swim again!)

  5. Well I live in The Netherlands so it usually doesn't get that hot. But if it does get really hot I always put water on the floor (outside of course!) so that the floor isn't too hot. And we have a dog bath so I just fill it with cold water and he lays in it, which is really cute!  

  6. My dogs absolutely HATE water!!!

    The Good thing is,i live in California.

    California is ranked the best weather in the world.

    So we have pretty normal days.

    not to hot or cold.

    but if it did ever get that hot i swear i don't know what id do :O

    dogs hate water so waters out of the picture so whats left???

    Lol good thinking!

  7. i let them be in my house 2 big american bulldogs and sleep with me and do eveyrthing with me its really fun

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