
How do you deal with guilt?

by Guest33563  |  earlier

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you know when you do something really bad and then you can't stop thinking about it

and then when you think about what you've done in depth, it hurts heaps and you feel heaps bad

I'm in that situation

I'm not saying what i did though

i can't fix it

i didn't kill anyone or anything

I'm just over the guilt and i need some strategy to conquer it




  1. apologize and live with it, after all you packed the bag.

  2. Just forgive yourself...Admit to yourself that yes, I made a mistake and just learn from it and go on...Guilt is not doing you any is just one of those feelings that keeps making you feel bad. Say to yourself, I have learned something from this and next time I will try not to make the same kind of mistake...And just stop dwelling on it...replace your self-talk with something more positive..think about all of the things that you do well and all of the good things about you and something nice for deserve it......You are going to be just fine...(((((HUGS))))) to you...Linda   XXXOOO

  3. I don't deal well with guilt so I rarely conscously do something I will feel that way about (although presently I do have a doozie that I am working on)

    Try this ?:

  4. If i did that, i would've pray to God. If it is somebody else i hurt. I'll try apologize.

  5. Do something positive.

  6. If possible, you make reparations, and try to repair the damage you've done.  If you've hurt someone, you ask for their forgiveness.  If that's not possible -- or not a good idea -- you ask God, or whatever you believe in to forgive you.  Why?  Because you WILL (choose) to never do that again.

    Don't keep wallowing in guilt.  Don't keep beating yourself up.  You did it, and that's that.  Just don't do it again.  Contrition (sorrow) for your "sin" isn't an emotion -- it's an act of the will.    

  7. what i do when i have guilt like that is i either tell someone who i really trust about it, just to get the feeling of you hiding it off your shoulders OR if you dont have anyone to do that with, Then what i also have done is written the whole story on paper, it lets out steam and that guilt feelings and when im done i burned it. i may not have officially told anyone but ive gotton it out of my system.

    But if what you did or anything has something to do with hiding it from a person then you need to deffinitly tell them because clearly its going to do no good keeping it inside ( because your still thinking of it )


  8. running or walking, going for swims, reading, taking long baths. anything that is relaxing. maybe even yoga or meditation. (i play video games to clear my stress, haha!)

    i have been through that situation, and i'm sure a h**l lot more of people have too, and the best best BEST conclusion is time. give everything time. and it may not go away, but you realise that maybe your wrong actions, could be a postive one.

  9. I've lived for a long time.  I know what you are feeling.  If you hurt someone, tell then you are sorry, if materialistic things, promise to make restitution.  You'll walk around with your high afterward,.

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