
How do you deal with guys that looks at your b***s while speaking to you?

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How do you deal with guys that looks at your b***s while speaking to you?




  1. I cross my arms over my chest and say, "Hey, eyes up here please!"

    and then I continue talking.

  2. It really embarrasses me.  I know what I should say and do because it's happened to me from the age of 11 and now I'm in my 40s.  But every time it's horrible and every time it upsets me and I never say the right thing.

    I would really like to say "You revolting man" with some expletives added, and pain optional.  But I don't.

    My advice is be bolder than me and say very loud "Stop looking at my bosoms you dirty little man"  And let the world see him for what he is.

  3. You put your face in his face and go, "hey, dude, I'm up here, my b***s don't like you nor do they want to talk to you!"  

  4. Just tell him,"I like a man that looks me eye-to-eye when talking to me. And those aren't my eyes dude."LOL

  5. You lower your head at an angle so you can make an obvious attempt at eye contact.  

    Or if you wanted to be sarcastic,  you could say, "Is there something on my shirt....what??  What is it!!??"    

    Or, "My face is up here, please look at my face when speaking to me, not my b*****s."

    I think sometimes (depending on the situation) that it's important to bring up or address a person's excessive rude behavior in an obvious draw attention to it.  It's not right for them to make you uncomfortable and it's not right that you have to just deal with their rudeness or "take it" so to speak.  It's good to maintain composure and not let things upset you too much, but sometimes a point needs to be made.   I like Love My Hubby - Hate His Mom's suggestion of stopping your speech until they  look at you to find out why it's gone quiet.  

    I haven't exactly found the perfect solution to this situation yet.  But if the person is excessively staring, I think it's good to bring their attention to the fact that they're doing it and that you know they're doing it and that it's unacceptable.  This can be done by obvious but polite means (such as stopping your speech until they look at you), or by out and out saying something like "Please stop staring at my chest."  Or, in any number of sarcastic ways (comments, or bending your head to match their eye level).  You have to find your own way of dealing with rudeness.

  6. I would say, "Are you looking at my b***s?"

  7. just take care of your dress & exposure of b***s to others.

    Un covered b***s only attract the attention of guys.

    answer is simple. divert his attention by proper covering!!

  8. Are you mad or what? You would go crazy if men stop starring at your b***s.  

  9. "My girls don't speak to men who are rude, and neither do I."

    Smile, turn, and walk away purposefully.

  10. everyone looks at your b*** a women who likes men, but i still look at b***s, i think its natural to look as long as you dont strarrreee..........and i think you'll find girls look too,but men are just not so subtle............:)

  11. This really works!  

    Cut some of your hair off and place the shorter hairs in between your cleavage, form them in a manner that makes it looks like you have grown a hairy chest.  Then when the next obvious guy notices, lower your voice to a males tone and ask him if he’d like to know a little secrete about you.  Problem solved from that point on.

  12. Stop talking in mid sentence and look him in the eyes.

    Wait til he looks at your face.

    Then start talking again.

    repeat this several times until he gets the point.

    If he asks why you stoipped, just tell him you wanted to make sure his attention wasn't divided.

    Thing to remember is that most guys don't realize they do this. Not giving excuses-just stating the facts.

    If you handle it the way some othe rpeople are telling you 2, you will push him away (co-workers, friends) and that doesn't help anybody. If you maintain a prefoessionalism in the situation, you both come out better off.

    Women do things that annoy guys, but we usually just deal with it.

  13. Just paint eyes on them.

  14. If some body says a fruitfull solutions - you mordern People, crying it of slavery.

    In this so called higly civilized world, Lots are to say-nothing wrong in it, as beause it's an human urge.

    If you wish to keep your esteem , chose the correct way to keep your honesty.

  15. cross your arms over your chest, raise an eyebrow, and say, "I'm up here."

  16. quit dressing like a w*or*...please

  17. "Did you loose something"  "My eyes are here not down there"  "Do you have any idea how obvious you are"  "you realize that what you are doing is showing how shallow you are"

    Hope those help

  18. Why wood a girl named Eye Candy worry about it? I guess the answer should be that you flood your panties and leave snail trails when you walk away without fkkkn.  

  19. I stop speaking until they realize what they're doing and look in my eyes.  I don't feel the need to "make my b***s" talk or even comment on it.  Sometimes what we don't say makes a bigger statement than anything we DO say.

  20. I don't care, I laugh it off.

    I can't get mad, because there's a reason why my b***s aren't covered.

  21. thnx god!

    nobody suggested for slapping or beating them(us) up

  22. Look down at his package and start laughing, then walk away lol

  23. You can say "Hey, my eyes are up here."  or you can stop speaking until they look you in the face then begin speaking again.  If the guy is the one speaking then you can cross your arms in front of your chest or ask him if he's talking to you or your b*****s.  If it's someone you can't affort to insult ( a boss for example) find things to redirect their attention like dropping a pen, sneeze, turn sideways and cough etc....

    If it's a person you're comfortable with look down at your b***s and ask them who they're talking to.

  24. Well. maybe they just like what they see!

  25. Well here are a few suggestions for females who may be faced with such a problem:  -

    Gently cup his chin with your fingers and tilt his face up till it is in line with your face and tell him,  Ã¢Â€ÂœI have not yet trained them to hear or speak so can you be so kind as to speak to my face???  Thank you.”

    Tell him to turn around and touch his toes…when he does that kick his ar$e as hard as you can.  

    Stare at his crotch in return…

    Tell the bloke.  Ã¢Â€ÂœStudy has it that men who talk to b***s suffer from premature ejaculation, I am not staying long enough to find out.”   Walk away!!!.

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