
How do you deal with having to change schools??

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Its my 8th grade year and I might have to change schools..All I want to do is graduate with my best friends I've known since kindergarden and I don't know how to take it. School starts in 2 weeks and I just found out. And its all my brothers fault, but I don't want to be angry at him..So how do I prepare myself and learn to deal with it??




  1. I am in the same position.  It is all my brothers fault too.  I tried not to get mad and think of the positive.  I really really wanna hang out with my old friends more, but my parents are making me change to a school i don't wanna go to.  They said my schools to expensive and far away to drive to.  Just be really friendly and you will have new best friends before you know it.  (Ex. Hey my name is (your name) whats yours, how was your summer, it went by so fast for me) try to relate to the person.  Good luck, we will survive this together!

  2. Well you can try and make this a good year, despite the school problem and try and make new friends while keeoing your old cuz believe me if you continue or try to be unhappy about this you'll be depriving yourself of the fun you'll have in 8th grade. You can try going to you old friends' graduation when they grdauate and can even invite them to your depending on the ticket limit [idk if your school has one]. And then maybe you can talk your parents into letting you go to the same high school as they are depending how many h.s. are in the area. But most importantly just try your hardest to keep in touch with them and try and be friendly and talk to people at your new school so you won't be unhappy.

    Sorry this wasn't very informative but I'm kinda lazy right now.

    Anyways, all in all, good luck !  

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