
How do you deal with irate, irrational customers?

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I work in a public service position at an urban library and often have to respond to situations involving people who are completely irrational or mentally ill. Things that would be completely unacceptable elsewhere have become commonplace where I work: a man urinating on the carpet at the reference desk, a patron angry about a fine and attacking a librarian with a brick, a person on the phone screaming that I'm racist because I can't immediately list all the previous owners of a 100 year-old house.

I don't have very thick skin, and when I'm involved in these situations I feel as if I've done something terribly wrong to make the person respond in such a way. Now, obviously, these people are completely irrational and I probably didn't do anything other than blink at the wrong time, but I still go home feeling terrible.

So, my question, for those of you who have been faced with something similar, how do you respond? How do you hold your head up after something like this?

And for those of you willing to admit you've been completely irrational at some point, do you have any suggestions for the person on the receiving end of the rant?




  1. I usually let the person talk when they are irate. Usually they have so much to say and will not listen. Then I just keep repeating what I said until they understand that the situation will not go their way. (If it's not something that I can perform for them.) If you can help them in some other way, definitely suggest an alternative. Sometimes it helps if you get someone else or a supervisor to explain it to them. It's basically the same thing you said but it makes what you said more valid for some reason.

    I never really let these people get to me. Just remember that you are there to get paid.  

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