
How do you deal with jealously of other dancers!HELP?

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i always tend to think about other people and i get jelous really easily how do i stop




  1. personally i faced the smae f]problem. my solution: dont care. i found out that i held back because i convinced myself i couldnt be as good as them but once i let myself go and really tried and watched them not out of jealousy but out of interst to learn form them i realized i was almost as good as they were! of course i ahd to work harder at it but i could do it when i set my mind to it. it was all worth it!!!

    my dance instructor gave me this same advice when she saw i was timid in class and it was hard to put ym guard down. but im glad i did! so it might be hard at first butin the end it is soooo worth it!!! i onyl wish i had opened myself up earlier. dance is a great way to relieve worries and express yourself and being jelous of someones way that they can expell emotions only builds more inside of you! let it go! be free! do the best you can!

    dance is technical but if you feel itin your body and do the best you can and show it through your face on stage you can go much farther than the girls who know all the "tricks".

    just dance freely and dont worry what people think! when you focus you will be amazing!!!

  2. Haa dont worry (: everyone gets jealous if other people can do something better than you or look better, just think to yourself your probaly just as good, or you can get that good :D  x

  3. just worry about yourself.  if you spend too much time worrying about other people you wont concentrate on yourself and making yourself better.  if you work hard enough about getting better, everyone else will be jeleous of you because you will be the best.

  4. look deep inside yourself. ask yourself why you feel this way. do not lie to yourself. face reality and the premise of demise and disquise that it brings.

  5. trust me i know this feeling! my best friend or one of them in my dance class can land perfect triples and fuettes everyday in my pointe class!! i can mebbe do them sumtimes and my fuettes well lets just say if you see them you would laugh! but im am probably the best dancer becuase i dance with my heart i work my butt off i have awesome extensions and great lines. and i dance with energy! but i liek cry everytime i do feuttes cuase mine are so bad and she looks liek she can do them in her sleep! i just dotn think about her i think of what i need to wokr on and focus on an how if i stop thinking about her i will be better than her!

  6. its a good thing to look at other dancers because then you can see how well they have done and try to improve yourself to that level. use the other dancers you see as your motivation!! i'm sure dancers look at you as well and wish they could do that. keep in mind the more you practice, the better you get :]]  

  7. use Your Jealously in a good way.

    Think to yourself I could  be that good. And it will make you push yourself harder and get better faster. Sometimes Jealously isnt a bad thing you helps you to push harder. Just use it the right way.

    Best of luck to you.

  8. everyone gets jealouse of other

    people but try not to be shy dance

    more and be confiddent in yourself

    thats what i do and everyone forms a

    circle around me and i just dance on all

    my friends hahaha good luck

  9. try to think of it constructively

    look at what they do in contrast to what you do and see how you can improve. or as the person you admire, they will be flattered to know you look up to them and will be happy to help.

    try not to let it get you down.

    im sure you are just as good and you are just putting yourself down

    good luck x

  10. i think a lot of people have that problem one time or another.  

    the way i deal with it is i focus on myself in the mirror and focus on the instructor, granted doing that has even gotten the instructor to come up to me and say, 'breathe! smile!  stop concentrating so hard!' but it's really what i have to do to not notice all the badass dancers that may be in the class :D  and it works, i end up always having a really good time  

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