
How do you deal with losing a grandparent?

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My grandma is going to die any day now and I really don't know how to cope with it. She has been basically a second mother to me. So any suggestions on how to cope with her death and make it easier?




  1. It is very hard to lose anyone close to you especially a grandparent.. i lost all of mine a while ago and overtime i drive past the house where i spent many summers it brings back all the memories good and bad...time heels

    and knowing she is going to a better place(as was the case for mine) it will make it feel a bit better.. long time ago back of october of that year she passed the doctors said she would be lucky to around Thanksgiving..she held on and died Easter Sunday the following year..incdently my Grandfather died a several years later on Good Friday

  2. You just have to make yourself believe that she is going to a better place. i lost my grandma in Jan. and i thought it was going to be hard and i wont lie and say it wasnt but i know now that she isnt suffering anymore and shes in a better place. you will ALWAYS have the memories so she will never be "gone"

  3. Tell her everything like how much you love her and (if she already knows she's going to die) tell her that'll you'll miss her so much make everyday her best day ever as if she is going to die by sunset show her that your life is great and that you're realy successful, you have to tell her everything cause you won't get the chance to ever again and you'll regret it my granpa died a few years ago and I never got to see him one last time. Cause he came to visit a year before and I didn't know that, that would be the very last time I would ever see him. When he died I regreted not spending more time with him and not getting to say I love you. Even though you'll be extremely sad when she dies you'll know that you wouldn't have wanted to spend your last days with her any other way. Take her to places she's always wanted to go and fulfill her dieing wishes it'll be really hard but after a while you'll be happy again also after she does die don't spend everyday moping around be happy, (not that she died) but it'll be her first days in heaven and I'm sure she wouldn't want to look down at you and see you extremely sad. Even if she died she would still want your life to be happy that's what my parents told me when my grandpa died and you'll still be sad evey time you think about it but just remember all the good times you spent with her I wish you the best of luck it's always hard to lose someone close to your heart

  4. Well my grandpa had terminal lung cancer, that left him less than 6 months to live, he made it 2 months longer, but died 2 days after my birthday (june 20, 2008). We all knew he was going to go, and so did he, it was very very hard but I know he isn't hurting anymore. The night before he died, we all told him it was okay to go. Make sure SOMEONE tells her its ok to go, alot of people will stay here because they dont think its ok to go. I promise she will be in a better place when she does decide to go. Heck maybe she'll meet my grandpa! :) Talk to her, tell her you love her, when she's here and even when she's gone. Please remember that she wont be hurting at all when she gets to heaven, I hear its a wonderful place :). And know that she will always be around no matter what. I know what its like to go through this and i am so sorry for you.

    God Bless.

  5. idk really wat i can tell u i have all my grandparents and great grandpas alive.... but i kno is difficult to lose a loved one but u have to look at it this way, they are old and tired already lived their lives and if God is calling them wat u gonna do.?

    Just try to spend as much time as possible with ur grandpa idk.

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