
How do you deal with people who judge you for what you earn and not by who you are as a person?

by Guest63905  |  earlier

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Talking about relatives here, since you can shake off 'friends' like these.




  1. avoid and ignore them.....they are never satisfied everyone always hav some problem...dont mind them and ruin ur day.

  2. ignore it. let it roll off you, take it with a grain of salt, that sorta thing

  3. you can shake off relatives too. Just because your related to them doesnt give them the right to be a******s.

  4. ...leeches...i ask them why are they here at my home...and ask them to leave...simple...

  5. I just don't deal with them, family or not.

    i have a friend here in Europe that comes from a family of doctors and lawyers, her first husband was much older then her and a professor at one of the major universities here in Hungary.

    After her divorce,she married our good friend who is a funny, smart and a go getter type of guy that came to the states and made his own way.

    anyways when they visit her family in Europe, they always try to make him feel stupid because he isn't a college grad.

    they have no idea how smart he really is to make his own way in a new country and be able to take his wife to a new country too.

    They just don't visit them much.

    I think in Europe people are judged more by what sort of degrees they have then how much money they make.It is really the same sort of thing as judging about income.

  6. People are soooooo twisted. Sometimes you just have to be happy knowing you are right.

    Instead of feeling angry, try to be proud of your values at times like these.

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