
How do you deal with people who put you down over and over and over?

by  |  earlier

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i have had a circle of people around me who have done nothing but put me down on a personal level, my goals, my dreams, and everything I've ever wanted...I feel I have been SO HURT that it is something I can't forget. I feel it's beyond forgiveness because they have done it over and over, even after I have told them that they have hurt me. How do you deal with these kinds of people? I'm realizing what a toll their **** has had on me and it's affected me. I feel I am currently so full of resentment towards them and I feel my relationship with them is so unhealthy that I have to get away from them ASAP...




  1. You do have to get away from them.  My best advice would just be to move on....don't be angry about it, don't hold resentments, just move on and find happiness.  Don't waste time on anyone who makes you feel bad about yourself.

  2. find new friends

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