
How do you deal with regret?

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stupid little regrets that shouldn't bother you anymore, but always drag you down

you can't get them out of your head and it's keeping you from fully living and you don't know what to do




  1. Some regrets are funny, some are very regretful, but whatever it is, think of it as a learning experience and always try to sort things out.

  2. Do what I did........................

       You sit quietly where you can be alone, get a pen and paper and write down all the "wrongs" you feel are dragging you down.

    From my experience, if you don't conquer this, it can ruin your life.

    This is why you have to do some "self-Psychology" here and turn things around.         It works!

      Then next in order, think it over and ask yourself what you could have done to prevent whatever problems at the time.  Write down how it affected you emotionally, then list what you did about the problems at that time.

      After that, remember it was in the PAST, ok?   We know we can't change the past, so what will help you is this, keep realizing it did happen, it is over now, times were different then and maybe now you don't agree with how you handled such problems back then, BUT the key is to let it go!  You have to accept the past and leave it there!

    Believe me, once you put this in perspective like I did, you will be able to go on with your life and you can finally let go of the past problems that held you back.     You have to really put your mind to it though.

      Please don't let the past keep you Prisoner!  It is all in the mind, it really is.

    We cannot do anything about the past, after all.  It's over and done with.           Just know you did your best at the time, for whatever it was, and refuse to let it bother you.  It is only a ghost if you let it be that.

      I can tell you because I fought this lots of times in my life.

    Once you let it go, (main point), you will feel better and you won't give the past another thought.          I promise, this is the only way.

    It honestly works.

                                 Be well and happy.

                Please email me if you need help with this.

  3. I can't forget about them, so I just try to look at it as something that is just irreversible. I can't change anything so why bother thinking so much about it. I try to look at the future and know that it can be changed if I want to and that's what helps me.

  4. If you mean what could be considered a "mistake", then my suggestion is to look at that as a "learning experience". Whatever you did, you did it, and you can never take it back. Learn from it, and move on. That's all we CAN do.

    Remember, where one door closes, another one opens.

  5. REGRET:

    "To be very sorry for".

    You don't. There is no reason to even have regret. Once you have done something in life, no matter what it is, why go backwards and continue to punish yourself? If you make a mistake, move on and do not make it again. I have made thousands of mistakes in my life - but do not regret them. What's done is done. It's time to brighten your spirit and lift your soul.

    Here's a trick to get things out of your head that harm you: get into head the things you LOVE, the people you've helped, the friends and acquaintances that have made you laugh 'til you cry, anything at all that has made you happy (and still does). If none of this works, try going outside - do you see the sky? What does it look like? Do you see any trees, bushes, flowers? Inspect them carefully and breathe in their scent. I'm willing to bet by this point, you're not thinking about your regrets anymore......

  6. apologize

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