
How do you deal with someone on yahoo answers, who creates multiple accounts to stalk you?

by Guest59551  |  earlier

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How do you deal with someone on yahoo answers, who creates multiple accounts to stalk you?




  1. Block them and totally ignore them, they will soon get sick of it.

  2. I would report them.

    Email them and ask them what their deal is.

  3. Report this person to the YA administrators by supplying specific examples of his stalking and his use of multiple accounts.

    If your proof is solid, the YA team will react and suspend his current accounts.  Of course, he will come right back with a different account the next day.

    So, to me, the only way to discourage him from manifesting this dysfunctional behavior is to completely ignore him.  And, never, ever, respond to him directly or make any indirect comments about him.  That will only tend to fuel his obsession.

    If you keep your cool, he will eventually lose interest.

  4. keep blocking them and reporting them to yahoo.

  5. The only thing I could think of that would actually work would to be to make a new YA account, I'm sorry.

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