
How do you deal with someone who is always complaining about being sick or hurt...?

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ugh... my sister is one of these hypocondriac attention whores. she's always sick, or in pain and constantly talks about it. the thing is...she isnt direly ill, or seriously injured. im talking about colds and common stuff we all deal with. she also lost a considerable amount of weight and is always fishing for people to say she's "too skinny". she isnt. my question is, how do i deal with this? i am very close to her and try to change the subject when she starts up on her misery, but shes becoming relentless.




  1. Try this, "ya know don't you get sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time?  Cause I am so sick and tired of listening to you complain about how sick and tired you ALWAYS!!"

  2. "The power of life and death is in the tongue."

    These words have power and explain power.  If someone is always "claiming" sickness by constantly talking about how affected they are by it, you can be sure that in their mind they are sick.  Claim health and healing and power by positive words constantly.  Instead of "my arthritis", say "I am being healed from arthritis".  Never claim illness or other negative things.  

  3. She Sounds Like My Sister who always complains & even wakes me up jus to hear her complain, she is fairly slimmer than me  but complains she doesn't wanna B too skinny, when I am trying to lose weight so she waits for me to say I wish I was ur size .... ughhh right there withya, the way I deal w/ her is I dnt stoop to her level, I jus brush her off in the nicest way possible, like stay away frm her it isn't easy but I seperate my self like I avoid being home, or when she speaks I half listen, & jus say ok that's nice, its sad cause she's older but she jus wants attention I pity her & see her as a younger sibling, jus keep things simple w/ her don't even overwhelm yourself w/ Ur sibling, let her latch on to someone else. She does this to u because ur the only person sitting arnd listening & throwing her a pretty Good pitty party, when she says she can't pull such a stunt off she might jus become more quiet.


  4. Just tune her out. For example:

    Me: did you watch the convention last night?

    Your sister: whine, whine, whine

    Me: I'll take that as a no.

    Your sister: whine,whine, whine.

    Me: (focusing on something else)

  5. Tell her to shut up and go to the doctor.

  6. don't give her the satisfaction... no symphany! Tell her to grow up and be quiet. If she can't say anything productive, dont' say anything at all.

  7. I personally hate those kind of people....I just remembered how one of y friend used to be pregnant but it would be like for a week or two since she knew she was expecting one so she would keep on making someone to carry her stuff or not to be helpful at all ..this happened when everyone was on move and that time we moved from apt to apt almost 3-4 times so I can understand your feelings but all you can do is to be patient or otherwise hopefully shes not gonna be very mean to you when you ( hopefully not) but when you get sick any soon or feel bad..

    I think those sort of people like your sister are really a people wanting too much attention from everyone around and deff liking it:)

  8. "I'm sorry you are so ill. I'm sure you need to lie down, so I'll be leaving now"

  9. these hypochondriacs will never be satisfied

    get away from these people

  10. Hypochondriacs - true Hypochondriacs, are actually mentally ill. They need professional help - as their mental symptoms are manifesting themselves in the form of "ghost" symptoms for illnesses that are not really there. There is some other issue going on, and this is how they cope.

    Check out the website I have linked below. If your sister's behavior is escalating, which it soun

  11. You tell them to STFU and if they want a pity party to go somewhere else. You also tell them they may need to get some psychological help to help them raise their level of self esteem and to stop feeling sorry for themselves all the time.

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