
How do you deal with stupid people at your work?

by Guest58382  |  earlier

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How do you deal with stupid people at your work?




  1. I put salt in their coffee

  2. Smile and nod.

    They can’t help it. Some people are just born that way.

  3. try to teach them the right way.

  4. don't think about them!

    other wise he'll say that fasting is taking you fast!


  5. try and block it out, sadly it never works  

  6. ignore them.

  7. I tell them to F*** off and then just leave refusing to hook up the oil line.  Ships do not go very far without fuel.

  8. i am 15 i dont have a job yet

  9. They are stupid.

    And they'll kill themselves someday.

    Don't be bothered.

  10. By ignoring them.

  11. Point it out in ever so subtle ways every chance I get.  Tact is the key and zingers.

  12. avoid them... best way 2 avoid hypertension & heart ailments

  13. I don't.....I work for myself!!!!

  14. Just consider each week to be "Be Kind to Dumb Animals Week"! ~:)>

  15. I pretend I am even more stupid than they are.

  16. p**s in their coffee :D

  17. Merciful beheadings.

  18. 'Grin and Bear it', when they are the Bosses...!!

  19. Allow them to keep talking; ask questions that will make them reveal themselves. Then see who is attracted to them and who is not. In this way, you can be sure who is their equal and who is yours.

  20. lol, i actually have a co-worker who i cant describe their stupidity, never the less...i just pretend that im listening to them and continue playing with my cell phone....but they dont get the hint ...sighs....

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