
How do you deal with the death of the person you love most in the world?

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The person you're spending your life with dies. The person who you love more than anyone in the world, so much that I can't even describe it in words. They die. What do you do? How you ever be happy again? How do you get by?




  1. Well, like you had a gash, it would heal slowly, but it wont go away and leave a mark. What I would do is that I would mourn a lot and find a person who looks like the person whom you loved the most and be with them and give them a nickname of the name of your beloved one. That's the most strategical way to do it.

  2. Just as the body heals itself after an injury, so does the mind.  You have to take it day by day.  You may never be frivolously happy again because you've experienced a profound loss, but you may be at peace with yourself and the world.  Be good to yourself while you're recovering.  Don't take on stressful projects or socialize with people you don't like.

  3. It's called GRIEVING, and it is very healthy.

    It is not about stuffing the pain away and letting it turn rancid.  It is about coping and continuing to live after they are gone.  


    You cry, you scream, you remember and cry some more.  Talk to those you can talk to about them; grieve.  You must grieve to be able to go on and be happy again.  That is very important.  There are several articles and books on grieving available.

  4. WELL, what you do is if you start feeling sad about it, think about all of the happy times you had with them. i tried this when someone i really cared about died, and it helped. also, cry when you are sad, it helps ALOT, and believe it or not, it is good for you, especially when you want to let your emotions out!

  5. it takes a lot of time

  6. My husband and I was married for 21 years when he died.  It is so very hard, but it will get better.  Just take care of your needs right now.  If you feel the need to be alone, then do that.  If you feel the need for company reach out to those who love you.  Don't be afraid to let your feelings out, people understand.  People want to help, but you have to let them know how.  I went back to work after a week.  It was hard, but I knew if I just sat home alone it would be harder for me.  I needed to be around other people and put my mind on other things.  I don't know if you believe in God, but if you do, turn to him.

  7. I have a very connected spiritual life so I feel my loved one is still with me. My son was 20 when he made his transition 8 years ago. People don't expect anything out of you. I would tell people. My other son never told people but he turned to work as a way of being. I did the opposite I didn't care about anything except finding answers. I had started at a spiriutal center one month before he passed away. It was as if the whole Universe was protecting me. It all came alive. It has been a magnificent spiritual journey. I believe this happened because it was supposed to be part of my life & all of those whose lives were touched by his in some way...I had times where I cryed alot. I didn't always take the best care of myself. If the person who is experiencing this is you if you e-mail me & reminde me of your question I can help you set up structure in your life so that you won't have to think about so much yet still be taking care of the basics in life, which are your health & finances & depending on your life may be other things...I found some things that should have helped actually made me feel worst so you have to just take it easy....I didn't take meds cause i do believe in feeling the feelings to heal. This is a journey in life & it can be a way to be close to your loved one rather than to be separate. Your loved one is teaching you a spiritual way of communicating. If you have a cat it won't say I am hungry but you will learn how to understand. Spirit speaks to us symbolically so learning what symbols mean will help your level of awareness. This can be a loving, beautiful expereince rather than a negative one. If we believe in the good & can see the gifts...I get by, by understanding I only live in the present moment. So does everyone else but most of them don't know it. They live in the past & future & get upset at trivial things...Happieness isn't real. It is dependent upon something & something can always be taken away, this is what our loved ones teach us, don't choose to be happy. Choose joy. Can we enjoy life? Yes, we choose joy cause we can have joy at anytime it isn't dependent upon who is with us or not. It doesn't matter if we have good or bad health. If a toe hurts we won't be happy but we can feel the joy of having the other 99% of our health feel good. You will grow & learn as you go. You are not alone. Do you know how many people have died & are with your loved one? Einstein, Lincoln, Anna Nicole Smith, Mother Thereasa & Princess Dianna. The list goes on & it is a good place. I had a near death experience when I was a kid & it was the most peaceful experience so they are in a great place...You are here for a reason so love what you have of you life cause if you werent' supposed to be here you wouldn't be.

  8. You grieve, somedays will be good, others will be bad. You will have spells of days not wanting to get out of bed and crying but even though there not with you physically they are still with you spiritually and its the one thing that will make you feel better. i know it may not seem a lot but in those sad days it may help uplift you.

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