
How do you deal with the fact that you WILL get hated just by being born?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, we can't help that we're a certain skin color, some people are rich, others are poor, we can't help many things, and no matter who or what you are, all you have to do is wake up and go out of your house, and you'll get hated on, simply by appearing.

That's all it takes sometimes.

I mean, people hate on everything. If you're smart, dumb, good looking, ugly, rich, poor, matter who/what you are, can't escape the hate.

So how do you deal with it when it comes? (and it will)

I'm a regular middle class guy, I drive a nice car, and I'm into fashion and I look pretty good, I have european backgrounds, and that's that. That's me. Laid back, somewhat religious, whatever. Nothing too unusual, out of the ordinary, offensive or worthy of contempt.

Yet, it's there.

Yesterday I decide to go out to a supermarket. As I'm leaving my car, there's a guy in a car opposite of mine that gives me the most weird 'eww" look, like he's just grossed out simply by me appearing.

Then at the supermarket as I was getting checked out, the girl behind the register looked at me all jealously or weird for whatever reason I don't know. Okay so I had a coach wallet, and I was pretty nicely dressed up, and yet people seem to hate on others for that. It's ridiculous.

I mean, ...seriously, we all have to face this daily.

You do too I'm sure. Just look around a bit.

So how do we handle this? IT happens all the time.

Even at work. You're not this enough, you're not that enough, people compare themselves to others.

It's like non-stop.




  1. Oh no... i just ignore those ppl that hate me.. i can't change their attitude, but i can change mine..^^  Hey, i may even get a prize for tis, then some more ppl will hate me. Oh well... I'll just try to be happy

  2. i just don;t care

    if people hate me they i must be special or something

  3. Okay, you may or may not like Pastor Joel, but when I heard this sermon, this morning, I thought of you instantly. Listen intently, and know in your heart, it matters nothing of how these people feel about us, it can be hurtful, especially when we don't know what on earth we did wrong, and most of the time, we did nothing wrong, it comes down to the dark hating the light, we know this, right!?

    Who gives a rats derriere what these people think of us, most of them are dead inside, they walk around like zombies, and the sad fact, they don't even know they're dead, that's how thick they are.

    If you work for someone and he/she does not appreciate you, tough titties, as long as you do your best, we're to count it all joy, because you have the KING on your side, and they have squat.

    It is non-stop, but it's society and the conditioning of their minds, but we have a "renewing" of our minds and that's what will keep us going, rather than being downtrodden, like all the rest of the sheep, being lead to the slaughter.

    I hope this video brings you the joy I want for you as my Brother in Christ.

  4. There is no one who likes everyone. It wouldn't matter if all people were exactly the same, looks, actions, and thoughts. Someone wouldn't like another.

    Just take things as they come and forget it. If peeps don't like my looks, style, or talk, they can look elsewhere and kiss off. Maybe I won't like them either. It don't bug me in the slightest.

  5. you need to stop over analyzing things! stop being so paranoid that is what i have learned . i mean yea ok , I'm not gonna lie , everyone has that odd look or mean look given to them sometimes but that's life its just through people being jealous or ignorance. My best advice is just ignore those people , get on with your life , and be proud of what you are . And remember some people give those looks without even realizing they are Doing  it and often means nothing , i know i do somethings .  

  6. What we see and hear is 'not ALL', but it is a series of clues as to what the message may be that another is trying to impart to us ~ like simply 'Post-It' notes which may ~ or may NOT carry some larger message within it.

    What we have to do (that is IF we can be bothered to) is to try and interpret this.  And, do not forget, an interpretation is often just that, ''a possible meaning of what the message is''.

    Unfortunately ~ maybe even ''Fortunately'', you could spend a lifetime trying to resolve each an every message you think you have been passed ...and in the process you'd actually cease living your life in order to accomplish this ....and then only find out that the message did not say what you thought it meant ....that your interpretation was totally wrong / in error / for the guy behind you.

    Somebody is going to very likely 'Hate you', for no good nor any apparent Bona fide reason ...and very likely for reason(s even s/he couldn't give you ....and there is nothing you can do about it.

    This of course might matter to you, and it might matter to the point that you put your life on hold until you get it resolved.  Fine, but what about the next and the next time the same thing arises!  How many times can you go putting your life on hold in order to resolve something that you MAY NEVER resolve / fix / sort  or figure out?

    If you continue to let it 'worry you,' then it will. On the other hand........

    I hope this helps in some way!


  7. its there problem at the end of the day

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