
How do you deal with these Types of people ? and what type are you from these types?

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from this 4 types of people :-


Dreamy : who always dream

realistic : who never believe you expect with some evidience or papers





  1. i'm a dreamy person i know it's not that good but it's also have advance

    about dealing with poeple critic poeple make me mad

               realistic poeple r too serious and that's only the point i hate about them

               creative poeple r the best i think so

  2. hello

    i suppose different pple might deal or accept these four types according to his own intelligence

    that's to say

    if you are a well ranked person you might meet all kinds of pple those types and others and you will be fit to deal with them all

    on the other hand a normal thinking person might like or dislike those who has the same character as he does or has a different character

    so all depends on class

    and for them these classy pple the think is to deal but not to whether they might accept or not

  3. I am a creative person.

    Critical people: I am not a critical person myself, and in general, I just smile and nod when they criticize things and try not to let it bother me.

    Dreamy people: I'm a bit of a dreamer myself, so I'm usually dreaming right along with them.

    Realistic: While this can get on my nerves, I appreciate this because they help me remember to not just speak empty words, but to say things that I can back up. It's good to deal with these people because it builds character.

    Creative: I am a very creative person. I write and it's my passion. Most of my friends are creative, and I usually deal with them very well. I try to listen to their story ideas or view their paintings and give them constructive criticism.

  4. You have to realise who you are before you can deal with any other types of people. If you know, for example, that you are practical, you deal with creative people in a sensitive way. But as far as critics go, always, ALWAYS, dismiss them.

  5. my work makes me deal with all kinds of persons .

    i prefer the realistic and the creative types of people .

    the dreamy waste their time and effort in dreams .

    as for myself , im critic when i need to

    a  dreamy person if the situation demands it , but not most of the time .

    im realistic in makind decisions .

    im creative in planning for the future .i have to use my imagination to think of solutions for problems .

  6. critic......if they go overboard criticizing anything... i may ask them to look at the mirror.....they normally hypocrite type of people.......Dreamy.......let them....they will not do any harm but.....i cant stand their pace of taking action ...i might cant wait for them....realistic.....sometime we cant trust them coz they are not easily being trusted......creatively......interesting people....but sometime like they living in their own world......i can say i into all of that type of people but in this order....10,25,15 n 50% respectively n the oyther 10 goes to my happy go lucky type..ha,ha,ha....

  7. I'm a critic. My friends always get mad at me for criticizing things. Some people just have bad taste.

  8. elhamdullah i think i can deal with these people just being myself

    i think i am a dreamy person just like my sweet sweety :)

  9. Am all these 7oda and thx God know how to deal with people of these characters too

    Where have u been 7oda we missed u :)

  10. I think im all 4 of those types at different times for different reasons. Would I like to deal with me- no- Im not an easy person to deal with- I really couldnt be married to me- God bless my husband- its not an easy task

  11. critic: they are probably insecure, so i would just go with the flow, or make it into a discussion and have they give reasons how it could be better. if you want to criticize what they say.

    dreamy: let em dream, and if they have some good ideas, you follow through with it.

    realistic: start every conversation with, i read in blah blah, that...

    creatively: i'd say same as the dreamer but feed off their creativity more. keep that person close cause you never knwo when you need someone like that.

  12. I am sometimes a critic, I am sometimes a dreamer, sometimes realistic and always a creative person.

  13. I don't mind realistic people. We need 'em. They dream within the confinements of what is possible and that can be harder 'cause it takes work and committment and then it can be done. I am a dreamer, mostly regarding the impossible, and that means that it takes something more than who I am to bring it to pass. If it doesn't happen - not my fault.

    Creative people are my favourite. They are always fun to hang out with, always surprising, always happy to be quirky. Sets me free to just let everything go and enjoy myself sometimes.

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