
How do you deal with viagra e-mails?

by  |  earlier

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I marked them as spam and they fall in my spam box, but they irritate me. How do I block them so that they return to the owner in yahoo e-mails? How do people get to know my e-mail adress?




  1. The ways are limitless I just delete them ~~

  2. I forward them to Bull

  3. I don't use yahoo mail - it's rubbish. I use gmail for my real e-mail stuff, and although I have put my address on a few sites, I do not get spam. Their filters are first class. Highly recommended. Also, their presentation of your outgoing and incoming mail makes it much, much easier to follow a conversation. Check it out!

  4. it's allready go to spam.

  5. My spam just go to the spam box.... And I don't touch it.. Viagra is for guys like Robert Mugabe... He still wants to s***w Zimbabwe to death..

  6. I haven't received any "Viagra Emails", obviously other than those forwarded to me by s****., it seems he is far too embarrassed to order for himself (to his wife's continued dismay) and as a friend, he is under the impression that I will do so for him (his wife), I do hope my wife doesn't let slip that I have in fact stolen his stash.

  7. I mail them and tell them to stop insulting me!! Ha ha ha ha!

  8. Never, never open any e-mail that is not from a known contact. All e-mails that are not from your contacts should be thrown away without opening them. You have to be very strict with this. Do not visit any dating or online friendship sites as well. After a few months you will then become a ghost on the net. I receive maybe one spam mail of any kind once every six months these days. On my other private account I have not received one for over three years now, by sticking to these principles.

  9. Gee am I glad that I am not the only one. I block the sender too, but I dont know if you've noticed they keep on changing the address. They are d**n irritating. . .

  10. I send them to Junk e mail and then I click on "add sender to your blocked senders list" but they keep coming from different e mail addresses...........I really do not know where they get my address, it looks like American addresses that send the rubbish to me.

  11. Lol Honey I dont even open them I just empty the whole Spam box.x*x

  12. I use the 'block sender' option, they send it to any name

  13. I have a function on my mail - "Block Sender", maybe that will work.

  14. You have done the first step, mark them as spam. Many ISP's allow you to block certain emails before it gets to you, see if your ISP has this facility, and no email containing the work 'viagra' will ever enter your mailbox.

    Never try and send them back to the sender. The moment you respond to an email like that, they know your email is active and will continue to use it for spamming and even 'sell' your email to other spammers.

    Inform yahoo of spammers using their email adrress. The spammer then has to open another email address (about 5 minutes work), before they can proceed with their spamming activities.

  15. A hard one this, my email name is sinead and i still get emails for viagra and others to make my pen grow bigger

    i just block them and spam them but they still manage to appear

  16. I delete them from my spam box

  17. i buy as much as possible!!!

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