
How do you deal with your anger?

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When you get mad how do you deal with it? If youre gonna say something dumb please dont bother responding. How do you get yourself to stop being upset..or do you stay mad for a long time? Do you ever find that when you get upset-the c**p*y feeling just wont go away? help me out guys..thanks




  1. let it go

  2. punch someone in the face

  3. i draw or use my imagination to pretend i am exacting revenge on the person. it helps me and the person never knows its all in the head how fitting for the section of Y/A were in

  4. I don't get angry very often.  I control my own emotions.  It's a lesson in maturity to realize that other people do not make you angry, only you can allow yourself to become angry.  Also, the anger usually has more to do with yourself and your own hang ups than with others.  I get angry when I am faced with a situation I can't control or do anything about, mostly frustration I guess. I also get upset at myself when I let someone else hurt my feelings.  Odd, but we all have our issues. I deal with those feelings on my own, I like to get away from people and work things out in my head.  I also forgive people for things they have done which helps me a lot. Forgiving is more about you than them.

  5. I could kill that guy. The only thing that stopped me is teacher.

  6. I punch things :s, so my knuckles are constantly messed up. i punched a door through before, remeber to think of something that your parents arnt ganna notice.

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