
How do you deal with your parents if they use you for revenge?

by Guest65893  |  earlier

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look im twelve years old and my mom and dad are divorced they use me to get back EACHOTHER MY DAD SPOILS ME AND MY MOM ACTS LIKE SHE HATES ME IT HURTS MORE THAN THEY KNOW




  1. I was hoping for more information.  There isn't enough here to answer your question.  

  2. Huh? You don't make sense. You'll have to give us more information, that doesn't make sense.

  3. you mean divorced parents? if thats the case tell them theyre hurting your feelings and it may wake them up a bit..

  4. You'll have to give more to go on than that if you want answers.

  5. Tell them to stop taking out their problems with one another out on you.  Tell them to stop putting you in the middle or you're going to go to the court and ask to be placed into foster care.  The problems they have with one another have nothing to do with you but because they are both cowards they are using a child to fight their battles.

  6. you tell them they are hurting your feelings by using you as a pawn in their unhealthy games.

  7. Revenge on each other?  Don't let them do it!  tats childish and unfair.

  8. if you see their trying to use you for revenge don't be apart of it walk away how old are your parents any way  

  9. just  tell  them

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