
How do you decide to have another child??? Is having 2 kids very very hard?? Is being an only lonely??

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How do you decide to have another child??? Is having 2 kids very very hard?? Is being an only lonely??




  1. im the only child and it was really hard, i wish i had a sibling till this day and im 21

  2. my daughter seems like shes a little lonly latly(im pregnant so she wont for long) but i would think it would be very lonly. i hated it my mom had my brother when i was6 and we lived outside of a little town and i had no one to play with i hated it

  3. Having another child is a GREAT idea. I am one of three children and I love it. Especially having a sister 2 years younger. We are very close and I can't imagine growing up without her. Sometimes we fight, but I would NEVER want to spend a single day being an only child. Whenever I got scared, I would crawl into my sisters bed, and vice versa. If I needed someone to talk to, I can talk to her. We can share ideas and grow from each other. I am never lonely.

    Having 2 kids will be harder than having one, but in the end its completely worth it. Some people say you're not a full parent if you only have one kid, cause you don't have to deal with the fights and stuff. Think about yourself. Were you an only child, or do you have siblings. Think of the billions of people out there who manage to have more than 1 kid. It can be done, and the rewards are endless. Good luck! :]

  4. I know I'm not the ideal person to answer this considering I haven't had kids, however sometimes only children can be incredibly bratty. Some never learn to share things in their life with anyone else making them very self-centered. Also, it is extremely easy for them to find the mind-set that the entire world revolves around them. Obviously, this does not go for everyone.

    I'm just basing this off the people I know and my mother (she was an only child). When I compare her to my father (who was one of 5), my father is so much more mature, not even close to as self-centered, and better with people.

    -I've heard from a few mothers the second one isn't as hard as the first

  5. Adding the second child is hard at first.  If you have help, take advantage of it.  Ask family to help out.  Ask hubby for help.  You will need it at first.  Once you get into a routine though, it gets a LOT easier.  I've got two now that play together and have an awesome time and even though it was hard at first, we made it and I'm SO glad I did it.

  6. I am a only child and yes it was lonely

    but I had advantages that  a bigger family might not afford especially now with everthing so expensive

    Do what you can honestly afford to do

  7. Having two kids is actually much less of an adjustment than having the first.  I love having two....they keep eachother occupied.

  8. Having kids are great. You just need to be able to fully support the kids. The only con is a few dirty diapers. Trust me, if you have kids you wont regret it!

  9. I have one sister.

    1 or 2 children is the way to go.

    I think having 3 is too much.

  10. an only child tends to be closer to his parents. I'm an only child and an Introvert, though I don't know whether that was a factor or not. I wasn't lonely at all.

  11. I can only answer your first question, and it is only my past experience - the choice to have another child came after years (son is 3.5 now) of agonizing.  It was a difficult birth and he was a high need child.  I was also at a critical point in my career, and I really enjoyed what I was doing, and did not want to give it up.  At the same time, my husband and I reached a low in our marriage from all the stress.  However, as our child develops into such a happy kid, I want him to have a sibling.  A notice that my husband is going to be deployed clinched the deal - with the uncertainty of life, family becomes even more important to have and hold. Good luck with your decision!

  12. I was an only child and loved it.  I had tons of cousins who were around alot so it felt like I had brothers and sisters.  But since they weren't, I didn't have to fight for my parents attention.  On the other hand...since I'm an only child and my brother-in-law doesn't have any kids, my 5 month old son has no family his age.  That is why I plan on having another baby as soon as possible.  It's not like it used to be either with kids living in every house on the street and it being safe to just let them all play together outside wherever.  I wouldn't want to be an only child in this day and age where it might be more lonely.

  13. Your parents decide by realizing they love the kids they have and that they want to do it again to make another kid to love. Yes having 2 kids is hard. And being the only is lonely, only children are more likely to get more attached to their friends. And my parents had 3 kids. And my paternal grandparents had 5 imagen how hard that was.

  14. having two kids is very hard but... with two people, it will be all right, however, being an only child is not lonely... I loved it!!!

  15. The decision is yours, but yes one can certainly be lonely, and double the work-I have two now and deciding on a third! God will not give you anything you can't handle, and He will give you exactly what you can.  : )

  16. i have 4 kids so 2 is easy 3 is fun 4 gets crazy at times but its a blast

  17. It depends on your energy level and how many you can reasonably afford to raise.

  18. i have to say having two was easy and i couldnt wait to start trying for our second as soon as our first was a year old , but 3 is harder to share out your time with them so it was a harder decision to make but glad we did

  19. Speaking as the eldest of 4, i can't imagine my life without my siblings. Even if i only had 1 of the 3, it would still be a life with many, many stories of the things we did together, the trouble we got into together...I'm happy I wasn't the only child

  20. Being an only is lonely! Our next door neighbors have an only child and he does not like it. None friends he own age live close by and he has no one to play with. He spends a lot of time outside by himself and bored to death. He is around grown ups all the time and this will make a child grow up entirely too fast. The need a playmate! You should not wait more than 4 years before you have another child. If you wait till the first one is four then it will be five by the time his sibling get here. Having two children is NOT a HARD thing to do. I am a mother of four.

  21. We always knew we wanted 2-3. We waited untill we had bought our house to have a second. Our daughter was 3years1month and 2 days old when he was born. She had started getting lonely, so the timing was perfect. She transitioned really well. We haven't had any of the jealousy problems or anything like that. They will be 4 and 1 when the next baby arrives. We figured it'd be best to keep them close together. This will be our last baby. We're hoping for a smooth transition again. The only "hard" time for us was when I was recovering from the episiotomy when we first brought our 2nd home. As well as this last  almost 5 weeks. He's teethed 4 thats been a little rough. Other than that it hasn't been any more difficult adding him to the family. Both are calm natured, and sleep through the night from about 2 months old. He's getting ready to turn 8 months soon, and is standing/walking along furnature. So we're sure that will be a little hectic for a couple months as he adjusts to walking on his own. It hasn't been that hard to adjust to having the 2 of them. Hopefully it will be the same when this one arrives.

  22. First let me say that I am 50 and the eldest of four. My mother only wanted two...for good reason. Four was very hard work for her, especially after she and my father divorced! Being the oldest, I had to raise my mother's children while she was busy being "dad". Looking at the world as it is today, I'm glad the Good Lord took the two pregancies away from me that I got by accidents.

    ...And, besides, my sister has _11_(ELEVEN)!!!!! Yup, hers, mine and some others', too! So I didn't "have" to have kids. She home schools/schooled them all. Her eldest is 28 and youngest only just over toddler aged...I lost track years ago! After her fourth one I've kept asking her if she's figured out yet what causes that! LOL!!!

    An "only child" can possibly grow up spoiled and unable to function quite properly in society. I've seen the results of this as an adult myself in adult friends that I've had that were an "only child". Two kids can learn social skills together a bit easier than an only child.

    But two is enough, no more (Think GREEN), and not too close together or too far apart. (Two years is a good span that, in the past has been recommended by child psychologists.) ANYWAY,......One to replace you when you die and one to replace your spouse when he dies. The gender of children you have doesn't matter at all. Others' children will make up the difference. Just don't contibute to the overpopulation of Mother Earth by having more than two (like my sister). There are enough people here, now, using and over-using the few and dwindling resources Mother Earth can provide. She is growing very tired, Herself.

    In addition to your present financial circumstances think about the economy and where it is headed. Think about all the possible impacts the economy...not to mention ecology...may possibly exert upon your own family resources in the future until your child(ren) is(are) grown. In turn think how that would affect your child(ren) in the long run.

    Thinking about these things should help you with your decision.

  23. we didn't decide really  so  much as our second child was a happy surprise. yes having more that one child is hard. but as with all things you adjust. just like you adjust to one when there was none.

  24. I am one of three and honestly, I dont know what I would have done without my two younger sisters. They are my best friends. Especially when we went on vacations, I always someone to hang out with other than my parents. My boyfriend is an only child and I know he has always wished that he had a sibling. Growing up was somewhat lonely for him. He is also a little bit more selfish than me because he wasnt used to sharing like I was.

    But before you decide to have one more, make sure you are ready. Financially, physically, emotionally. And make sure your first child is ready too.  Good luck!

  25. Have 2 or more so they can have a pal when they want to play. One kid is lonely.

  26. Being an only is def. lonely, hah that rhymes! My friend is an only and she's always asking me to hang out like a billion times when i say i cant. i feel really bad for her, cuz she obsesses over her cat and stuff its really weird. i suggest you have another child, unless you reallyyy dont wanna. having two kids is not hard at all, i've babysat 3 kids at one time and i'm only 13.

  27. We have four children, with #5 on the way, and we'll take as many as the Lord gives us.  I think being an only child would be rather lonely, but I'd think much the same thing of 2 children, though that's how I grew up :-)  From my perspective, 1-3 is a small family, 4-6 medium, 7-10 large, and beyond that very large.

  28. if you can support another child then i don't see why not

    kids are wonderful and if you are up for it then do it!

    i don't think you would ever change your opinion later in life

    and you might regret it if you dont

  29. I think it's better to have 2, an only child might get a little lonely. It can get hard for them so I think at least two.

  30. No having two kids a very fulfilling thing. Only have a child if you think its the right thing for you at the stage of your life that you are in. Make sure you have enough financial support for that child, and that you have adequate living space.

  31. I have one child.  She's 7 going on 8...most of the time she is perfectly content to be by herself.  Some weekends are tough - she can get bored.  But, for the most part she has plenty of other kids (between daycare, school, family and friends) to play with.  I think that being an only child is okay as long as they can socialize too.  I know some kids from families of 2 children that never got along and still don't get along as adults.  There is no guarantee that children will mesh - siblings or not.  My cousins all told me that having one child still gives you a lot of flexibility but once you have two or more - you are all about your family.  It's a personal choice for sure, there is no one right way for everyone. Good luck deciding the number you'd like to have..

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