
How do you decide which path to choose?

by Guest65918  |  earlier

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Life offers so many different options. You make little decisions every day, choosing A over B, this one over that. But when it comes to the bigger things in life, how do you go about deciding what to do?




  1. there  is  only  one  answer  to  that  and  that  is  doing  and  choosing  the   right  path,  the  right  decision, the  right  thing  ,if  it's  wrong  ,...

    walk  away    ,choose  only  the  right  things,it  don't  bite  back

  2. i always think about a year from now if i make that choice...

    if the future is bright..i take it !

  3. Always be true to yourself.  Do what's right and good no matter what the situation.  Take things in stride and don't get too caught up in the drama we call life.

  4. I set my course by truth, beauty, and goodness while I seek perfection in all I do.

    P.555 - §5 You will learn that you increase your burdens and decrease the likelihood of success by taking yourself too seriously. Nothing can take precedence over the work of your status sphere--this world or the next. Very important is the work of preparation for the next higher sphere, but nothing equals the importance of the work of the world in which you are actually living. But though the work is important, the self is not. When you feel important, you lose energy to the wear and tear of ego dignity so that there is little energy left to do the work. Self-importance, not work-importance, exhausts immature creatures; it is the self element that exhausts, not the effort to achieve. You can do important work if you do not become self-important; you can do several things as easily as one if you leave yourself out. Variety is restful; monotony is what wears and exhausts. Day after day is alike--just life or the alternative of death.

  5. You will always have a gut instinct, If you need to choose between negative scenarios choose the one that affects the least number of people to the leat degree. Decisions are about minimizing consequences and maximizing benefits.

  6. You can never truly know what path to choose, but if you avoid a few pitfalls you can make a better choice.

    Never make a life choice when you are angry or depressed.

    Never make a life choice to influence or appease another person.

  7. you have a though decision!

    but it is yours!

    do you fear that you might make a mistake?


  8. I've come to realize that no matter how much planning I can be down to the doesn't go exactly that way. The small actions or inactions I choose to make or not make end up shaping the big things for me. I rarely decide those. Life is funny like that. Big choices, have not seemed like a monumental "choice", per se, but rather, have come to me like a lightbulb, and as a result or a culmination of everything I have done in my life to that particular point.

    Confusing, but true. You do all that you can, within your power, and then you must be content in that and know that your higher power in your life (whatever you choose as such) will take care of the rest.

    It happens every time.

  9. decide which way you are being pulled.  Which one will give you the most fulfillment.  But a word of warning, if you don't choose, it will choose for you.  Life has a way of doing that.

  10. In every decision, people unconsciously do what in business is called a cost-benefit analysis. Simply put, you weigh the projected costs versus potential benefits and if the ratio is acceptable, i.e., the price is right, you make the choice which benefits you the most and costs you the least. Since people mostly do not think consciously of this in those terms, of cost-benefit analysis, most call it a gut feeling, a hunch. Just because you are not writing out a list literally, does not mean you are not thinking about making a decision based on cost-benefit in the back of your mind. When posed with a problem and lacking a solution, most people will come to a conclusion if they STOP concentrating directly on finding a solution and do something else for a while. Suddenly, while doing something completely unrelated, they just seem to KNOW the answer or they the exact idea they need and when asked say, the answer just came to them. In reality, they never stopped thinking about the problem, and unconsciously, finished the analysis and decided on an answer that has acceptable cost and risk for the greatest potential gain.

  11. you chose carefully with lots of thought behind it. you try to predict the future as best as you can. like if i do this, this is what happens kind of scenarios. you pick the best of your choices because sometimes all it is is choosing between apples and oranges. as my mother always said no one purposely picks the skunk cabbage choice (the obviously bad one). all we can hope for is that the pretty apple or orange we pick isn't rotten on the inside. life always throws a few worms at us to keep us on our feet and not getting lazy.  

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