
How do you define poetry? How do you put it to good use?

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How do you define poetry? How do you put it to good use?




  1. Poetry is literature concentrate. In the creativity chain, it is one link before the ultimate human expression; song.

    Poetry can be used to educate and enlighten, or simply entertain.

    To make it a science is an injustice. Art cannot be rated on a scale of 1 to 10. It either speaks to the audience or it is mute.

    Just my opinion.

    Richard Brotbeck


    Tangled Web Press

  2. Poetry can be the presentation of a story, thought, belief... an expression of anything on your mind. To write a good poem I think you also have to consider the cadence, rhythm, and organization of words as well as the content, which gives it more of an emotional connection to the reader.

  3. Poetry defies definition.

    Poetry expresses the human spirit in creative fashion.

    There are many forms of poetry, but ultimately, it is an art, like music or painting or sculpture.

    Of what use is art? It is "used" to enrich the human spirit and the intellect.

  4. This is the only way I know to contact you.  You recently "reviewed" a poem I wrote.  While I appreciate honesty and I openly asked for criticism, I don't think what you wrote to me was helpful at all.  I think that you're just a guy who thinks he knows a little about poetry and you wish to feel dominant over those with less experience than you have.

    That was my very first attempt at poetry.  I know nothing of the craft and I was trying to learn.  I don't know what I'm doing and I'm sure some of the things I wrote were cliche'.  But hey, at least I tried and put myself out there.  

    I would advise you to think twice before writing such unconstructive, scathing criticism of someone's work.  You definitely made me think twice before writing another poem.  Or maybe that was your intention.

  5. Poetry is the conduit from the emotional caverns of the mind to paper.

    Poetry expresses, persuades, describes, compels.

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