
How do you define "Love"?

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  1. The best thing in the world. Something that basically everyone wants whether they have it or not. It is a passion a feeling that no one could forget once they feel it. That is why everyone remembers their first love because of the passion, feeling, deepness, and emotion they felt. Love is a miracle waiting to happen to everyone. It is deep compassion for someone. It is the feeling that you will do anything for that person no matter what. You would die for them and do anything to save them. It is a feeling that makes you just want to hold on to that person forever as long as you live. And you want to kiss them and cuddle and protect them all the time. They are what you live for. Love, is what seems to make people keep on wanting to live. It is truely what us humans want to live for. Sure when your a kid at the age of 7 it does not matter as much but once you hit a certain maturity status Love takes over you and it is all you can think about. Lust is different than love. Love is the feeling of deep compassion towards somebody or something, generally someone and that someone ends up to be the person you live for. Love is the reason you get up everyday and try to look your best for girls they'll put on a little makeup and try to dress nice to attract boys (it generally does not work) and since I am a girl I am not sure exactly what boys do except my best guess is that they try to be confident and show off everyday to attract the ladies (another common mistake that does not intrest a girl as much as boys think). Love is deep. It is probably the most hard thing to find in this world of total caous. Once you find love though you will know it. You will never want to give it up. It is addicting and can pierce through anyones heart and leave them shattered to the ground in pieces or held together with one love. Love is the reason I live. Also for my family but the reason I get up every day and go to school and get good grades is for love. Someday hopefully I'll find it but now the cards dont look so good for me. I think about it constantly and many others do aswell. Love is a powerful and key term in living. I hope everyone finds love at some point in time but for now all you can do is search and wait. Love is amazing and compassionate. When you have love be sure to never lose it. Love is the best feeling in the world. Seek and ye shall find. ~Carly

  2. taken straight from the johanna dictionary.

    love. n (luv) 1. the act of doing the impossible for someone who could leave you in a heartbeat 2. the ability to get a call on your cell at two in the morning and talk to your crying best friend until six 3. the act of never truely being alone 4. cannot be properly defined by anything. because it defines itself.

  3. A fuzzy, warm feeling in your stomach.

  4. Love cannot be defined.

  5. A feeling between two people that could sometimes make you really happy, but at other times make you sad. Something that shows you care about another person.

  6. mmk i did this in another question so im gonna copy what i said before lol

    like when your sleeping and these unreal amazing things happen in a dream and its the best feeling ever...its like that but you dont wake up :)

  7. painful

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