
How do you define submission?

by  |  earlier

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Is it being controlled by someone else? Is it something s**y? Does it depend on the person? Is it being a doormat? Is it allowing yourself to be dominated?

Tell me your definition.




  1. its a form of using violent moves that often hyper extend muscles and if continued can break brones, is very common in mma.

  2. Submission pertaining to a relationship is giving respect and putting trust in your partner to make fair and just decisions.  Its not about being a doormat unless the dominate party walks all over you. Being submissive doesn't mean being taken advantage of either, or being weak. Where there are two dominate parties, a power struggle will ensue. Where there are two submissive parties, no progress will be made.  We give authority to everyone in our lives from political leaders, law makers, even employers. Suddenly when you are giving a partner that same respect it becomes a disgusting trait.  I don't give anything to others unless I am  willing to give the man I love.  The dominate party is also submissive in the fact that decisions are made in the best interest of the couple, not just himself/herself. He/she will take into consideration the feelings, ideas and beliefs of his/her partner.

    Take this into consideration...If a couple is fighting because they want to eat at different restaurants...what do they do?

    One will either BEGRUDGINGLY concede or they will SETTLE on a place and neither will be completely happy. If I am happy when my man is happy and he picks the place he wants. ...we're both happy.  If he picks the place I want because he finds happiness in my pleasure ...we're still both happy. It's a win win situation.   :)

    Its freely giving of yourself and trusting your partner.

  3. Well, it could be any of those you mentioned. They're all examples of being submissive.

    I define it as "giving in to" or putting anothers needs ahead of


  4. A legal document summarizing an agreement between parties in a dispute to abide by the decision of an arbiter.

  5. passive aggression!

  6. It's accepting the fact that I'm lonely as h**l. Sigh...

  7. I think it depends on the person.....a man and a woman can both be submissive to each other in a way that they only know how to be....

  8. Giving your power over to another person.  Being under someone else's control.  No autonomy.  Dependency.

    Shoot me.

  9. All three.  Basically when he says the kettle is black so do you; in some of the cases I have seen women literally take this to heart to mean that they literally agree with their men; just so they don't rock the boat; about that rocking the boat, as in all things; there's a time and a place for that; in other words they become no more than a shadow. I'm not the type to say the kettle is black.  However, I do just exactly as I am told; nor am I the type to put him first, unless I have put me first.  This enables me to do more for him; with out regret.

  10. Knowing when to speak and when it's time to listen.

  11. It's allowing yourself to be dominated.

    I like that definition.....Submission can be s**y, if done in a healthy way and not crossing the person's limits (some people enjoy playing submissive to their partner, lol).

  12. Giving up to be dominated.

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