
How do you define your country?

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In light of Senator McCain's statement "Patriotism is about putting your country above all else?"

How do you define "your country?" Is it according to political or idealogical unities? Is it according to borders and lines? What do you do for the good of "your country" above all else, and express patriotism as defined by Senator McCain?




  1. England - The only nation that once had millions of people proud to live there and now none do.

  2. Im really going to skip the political ir idealogical denfinitons, I think MOST people are far to sassy, uneducated in terms of morals in showing respect for others, have forgotten  what it means to be honest, don't show much kindness for others, parents are treated like fence posts, just stuck in the middle of no where and Parents don'ty teach there children important things they will need later in life and don't participate enough in there education.

  3. My country: where the I am the government, a place where there are still some willing to fight for the ideals this country was founded on, the right to elect and the right to destroy, and a flag to which we have a responsibility of allegiance and the right to burn.

  4. In the world: Every person live to do a bad thing to another person. I guarantee that you wish you would be the richest and happiest person in the world, and everyone would be your slaves... I believe you and everyone else wish to use a person for your needs. The importing thing for you is to have a lot of money and have a respect from people ( to be the best ). Every culture wants to be better than other, so it another way to do harsh to each other.

  5. I define my country by its founding ideals of freedom, liberty, and personal responsibility.  And I would give all to protect these ideals because they are bigger than any individual.  

    "[H]owever weak our country may be, I hope we shall never sacrifice our liberties." - Alexander Hamilton

    "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"   - Patrick Henry

    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

    "Tyranny, like h**l, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." - Thomas Paine


    Absolutely, all people in this nation have freedom.  True, some start ahead in the game over others, but anyone can make it in this world if they work hard and don't let adversity keep them down.  For every success, I can show you a pile of reasons they shouldn't have been successful, and just as many times they weren't successful, but kept trying until they got it right.  Anyone who is a failure in this great country is that way because they quit trying.  You can cite people of all races, ethnicities, and religions that have been mistreated and discriminated against during some point in our nation's history, but we are a free society with the ability to make things better on our own and live our lives as we wish with very few restrictions.

    Patriotism, then, is a dedication to these ideals and what it means to not only you, but all people who have the opportunity to live here, and to others in this world who can look upon our example of freedom and use it to make their societies better.  Some, unfortunately, see it as a disgrace and proclaim its faults, while living and speaking under the banner of its successes.

    Thanks for asking such a thought-provoking question. Happy Independence Day!

  6. The best statement of patriotism was by Nathaniel Hale who said," I regret that I have but one life to give for my country." This is the greatest nation under God and we should all love it that much. John McCain really loves America, but I'm not so sure where Obama stands on that issue or on God.

  7. I define my country as my fellow citizens all living with in a common border.  I cant help but think that McCain defines country as government, and that is scary.

  8. first, i disagree with senmac's definition. i think he is coming closer to nationalism, blind hysteria about how our country is the best and we should be willing to put everything else as second priority. patriotism means to me, a basic love of the democracy, belief in the potential of our country, and the vocal opposition of people and constructs that threaten it.

    my country is what our grandfathers left us. they didn't leave it just for some but for everyone. i am American, that means that i don't have to agree with you but you can say whatever you want. if you want to have some input in my country you should be American too. when people ask for special consideration because they choose to hyphenate their status as Americans it can only bring a sense of isolation. this is bad for America. laws are enforceable within the lines of a country(jurisdiction) this does not make a country though. what makes a country is a common ideal or goal. a common agenda that everyone agrees is in the best interests of everyone. what my country looks like to me, right now, is a bunch of four year olds fighting over the biggest piece of a mud pie while the bullies are stealing our cake.

  9. my definition is simply doing what's best for the people. now, everyone has a different opinion on how to do that. thus, the two party system. so you strive to do what's best and if that means compromising on some issues that's what you do. what makes it difficult is getting the right people. my patriotism or loyalty is given because of what this great nation has given me. first and foremost freedom and then the opportunity to be whatever i want to be. if i choose to work in a car wash so be it or, i can try and go clear to the top. president of these united states. now how about that.

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