
How do you delete your yahoo?anwsers page?

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How do you delete your yahoo?anwsers page?




  1. You cannot delete your yahoo answers page but you can set it to private and just not use the account.

    Go to your profile page and


    Go to the privacy section

    UNCHECK these option;

    >> Allow Answers users to contact me via email (Address not publically displayed)

    >> Show link to my Yahoo! 360 page

    >> Allow Answers users to contact me via Yahoo! Messenger.

    By choosing to make your messenger ID public, you will be allowing everyone to see the Yahoo! ID or Yahoo! Alias associated with this Yahoo! Answers account instead of your Yahoo! Answers chosen nickname. For example, if your Yahoo! Answers nickname is -------, but your Yahoo! Messenger ID is-------, people will be able to associate the two together.

    Yahoo! Answers Network

    uncheck the below information

    >> Allow other Answers users to be my fan.

    >> On my public profile, hide my Q&A from people not in my Answers Network  

    >> On my public profile, hide my Answers Network from people who are not in it  

    Here is something to think about.. one of my Favorite quotes:

    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

      ...By you asking a question, believe it or not YOU made a difference

    I know i am going off on a tangent, but i feel that everyone that takes part in "community' is valuable and NEEDED  

    (hope you stay around the "answers community")

  2. If it is someone elses, well Report It.

    If it is yours, Tough I guess. I have no clue.

  3. Just ignore it

  4. Don`t use it and sign out then just ignore it for the rest of whatever.

  5. click the delete button? lol

  6. aswer rude things and maybe youll get reported and you will get suspended or whatever.

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