
How do you deliver a monologue in an audition that was intended to be spoken to somone, alone?

by Guest58073  |  earlier

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Great answer Joy thanks! Unfortunately I only have 6 days to prepare so not sure I'll be "breathing" the words! Thanks though!




  1. Just say it, pretending the other person is in the room with you. Even better, you can pretend one of the judges there (assuming you're doing it for an audition) is the other person.

  2. You have to get into character, meaning forget the judges are there and pretend you are talking to that one person your talking to in the monologue make a focus point like talk to something in the room (clock, poster) and pretend thats them, and look at them and recite your monologue to that object.

  3. Picture the person you are speaking to is there. Make sure it is clear in your mind who they are and more importantly where they are. Pick a focal point where that person will be. ( Ideally this is slightly above or next to where the people you are auditioning for is sitting). Never deliver your audition right to the people auditioning you. This is a known no-no and you will look unexperienced if you deliver it right to them.

    Another thing to be careful of is to not let your eyes drift about. That is why you need to find your focal point. Perhaps there will be a picture hanging  on the wall or even a spot on the wall anything you can find that will be your place to come back to if you look away. Now imagine that spot is the person you are speaking to and you will be covered visually.

    Make sure to use your whole body. How often do you speak to someone with your arms glued to your side? Practice your monologue while looking in a full length mirror and start observing what physically works and doesn't. Now practice over and over until you feel like you are breathing the words and you should nail your audition.

    **With 6 days you have a TON of time. It may not feel like it but truly it is. I I have mastered a monologue in a day when needed. I promise you if you take your monologue with you everywhere you go and continue to practice you will be breathing this piece better then you could imagine". **

  4. Isn't that why they call it acting??

    You have to imagine that there is absolutely nobody else

    there with you, other than the one you are speaking to.

    Same thing if you'er talking to yourself.

    Good luck!

  5. it's called acting..make it like you are saying it to someone.

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