
How do you design a flyer?? :D?

by  |  earlier

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Well I'm doing this neighborhood buisness thingy and I don't really know how to design the flyer...... :P

Yeah I already know that my flyer SHOULD include like what I'm doing and my number and stuff But IDK how to start it...... :[

the things I'm doing are likeb walk pets, babysit, mow lawns,clean houses, water gardens, wash cars, etc

:] I need extra money for snowboarding gear! :] and new boards




  1. make a simple work perfect file and add pics or shapes and sizes, do som text art so it catches the eye, and make sure you include all the important stuff!

  2. Go to this site and just fill out the blanks.. it does the design for you.. on the downside it's basic and limited

  3. WTG! You have the desire and the ideas...let's get you some business.

    What about this:

    ......................................... NEED HELP? (very large, bold type)

    ......................................... I CAN HELP YOU WITH  (not as large but bold)

    ......................................... * Pet Walking

    artwork of lawn..............* Babysitting

    mowing, house...............* Lawn Mowing ...................... throw in artwork of

    cleaning, etc ....................* House cleaning ................  someone walking a dog,

    ......................................... * etc. etc, etc ............................ babysitting

    ......................................... REAL NAME

    ......................................... NUMBER


    PUT  a border around the entire thing, make it 8.5x5.5 sheet and post it at neighborhood stores, or even hand it out door to door. Make sure all the words and spelled correctly, don't use fancy type, Ariel works well,  don't fill every inch with text or artwork, keep it clean and simple.. and good luck!

    p.s., leave out the periods, I had to put them in to show you the right layout

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