
How do you destroy your enemies?

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I have some very dangerous enemies, who are after me, and try to ruin me at every opportunity. I tried the "destroy your enemies by making them your friend" line, but it only gave them power to betray my trust and make things worse.

When I say dangerous, I mean 'politically'- like ruining your name, blaming you, setting you up etc. All these things are perfectly within the law. Nobody to help me out.

What to do?




  1. dont spend any more energy on them. dont even think about them. you might have to watch your back a little at first but most people who are this pathetic usually tire of their childish games once you are no longer receptive to them at all. otherwise theyll end up getting caught and everyone else will see what a low human being this person is choosing to be. dont worry about it. vengance only perpetuates the cycle. youre only asking for more drama if you go that route. give what youd like to receive. good luck

  2. Try to find out what the reasons are behind this animosity.  It is not natural for a group of people to just arbitrarily set out to

    "ruin" another person by deceit and slander.  When you discover the reason, or if you already know the reason, therein lies the solution.  Your question also indicates a good deal of animosity on your part.  Hate is a weapon that turns itself inward upon the hater.

  3. Just make sure there are no witnesses, and nothing to link you to the crime scene. Have everything well planned, and rehearsed. Make sure you have a solid story as to where you were.

  4. kill them whit kindness

  5. With a laser cannon

  6. 19. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"says the Lord. 20. On the contrary:

       "If your enemy is hungry, feed him;

          if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.

       In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."21. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

    Romans 12:19-21

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