I have a 8 year old stepson and a 5 year old son. My stepson has started defending everything he does with "Well, if he did it, HE wouldn't get in trouble". He tells me all of the time that I treat my son better then I treat him. I honestly don't think that is true. He has gotten into the habbit of saying something like this everytime he gets in trouble for something. Example: This morning, the boys were putting on their coats, and my stepson was picking on my son. I told them both to cut it out, and started down the hall. I stopped, just out of sight, and watched them. My stepson hit my son in the arm. I told him not to hit, and he told me that I never belive him, that he was hit first. I told him I watched what happeded, and he told me that my sons gets away with everything and stomped out of the house. This is ongoing now, and I'm at a loss. I treat them the same!! Any suggestions?