
How do you determine right and wrong?

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How do you determine right and wrong?




  1. I consider all the facts that are available and attempt to come to a conclusion ruled by my head rather than my heart, where emotions can so easily distort your judgement.

    If my head is telling me it is the right thing to do or say, or whatever action is required, and my heart is not feeling it wants to go into battle with my logic and reason then I respond to and follow what my head is telling me.

    But if there is some clouded doubt that just doesn't make the answer so clear cut, then I' ll ask for the opinion of someone whose judgement I respect and pray for guidance to come to the right decision.

    There was a time when I would always just go with what my heart told me, most times my decisions were spontaneous, based more on emotional reaction than rational thinking. But,I have "grown up "quite a bit since then,even though in terms of years its not that long ago.

    We can only determine what is right from what is wrong based on our life experience and the information available to us. Anything else is merely aquirred opinion based on the knowledge and experience of of others.

  2. salamu alikom ''alissar'',

    from sunnah&quran,feeling,experience.

  3. I read and  learn from people experience, then do the wrong things that they did then...............ooops

    why didn't I listen...................offffffffffffff

    This what they call learn the hardway.

    I'm a hardway learner.

  4. For me it is quite easy.

    I have guidelines for everything:

    - I have Quran and Sunnah for all matters of my life

    - I have country laws that we have to adhere to

    - I have Standards, Benchmarks, Guidelines and Policies at work.

    For everything else there is no right and wrong, there are Choices and consequences.

    Example: Would you buy VW Polo or Passat? no right or wrong, if you go for Polo you pay less petrol,..etc

  5. By using both, My heart and mind, which were created by God,

  6. Hello Alissar,

    To answer your question,I believe each of us has an innate inner consciousness given by God that allows us to feel what is right and what is wrong.

    This combined with what we have been taught socially,religiously,and the way we are raised,the values we have been taught and the way in which we perceive truth in the world.

  7. Whatever I say is right and whatever anyone else says is wrong. This is the universally accepted theory held by educated people everywhere.

  8. Strong Antenna :D

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