
How do you develop a cheerful personality?

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Since I was 11 till 21 (right now) I have had a c**p emo personality due to a lot of c**p happening to me but anyway how can you develop a more cheerful outlook on life? I am already working on getting fitter and trying out new cloths styles and haircuts etc but socially.. what could be done? I'm a little paranoid and give people the wrong impression allot :(




  1. Although I don't think of myself as "emo" I do often tend to have a "down" attitude.  As I have gotten older, I'm 29 now, I have become more and more aware of it.  I've never been into the black makeup, hair and clothing thing so that wasn't something I had to "correct", I did however tend to surround myself with depressed and negative people who I have learned over the years really weren't my friends.  I am a little on the larger side (which I wasn't always) and I have in more recent years accepted and become more comfortable in my own body and realized the beauty that I do have.  I have also branched out and made new friends and seperated myself from the ones that were bringing me down.  I have even repainted the inside of my home more "cheery" colors.  Yellow is supposed to make you "feel good".  The last thing that I have done is let go of my old need to control everything in my life.  I have accepted that somethings, well many things are actually beyond my control and like it or not you have to take the good with the bad.  Social settings were my biggest challenge as well, stop trying to make the people who have already made up their minds about you like you and try searching out new friends.  Good luck!!  

  2. drugs help.

  3. Gosh isn't it hard!  My sister has the same problem but I think the key is to feel good about yourself.  Do things that make you happy and cheerful and it should shine through.  When you meet people go out of your way for them... offer to help and BE A GOOD LISTENER!  Everyone needs that in their life!  When you start making other people the focus of your life and attention you will stop focusing on what you don't like about yourself and people will see the beauty and life loving person that you really are.  

  4. be more invovled in conversations, and let people know your happier. Say things like "Things are really looking up for me"  Don't  talk about sad things in conversations. Keep common conversations superficial. Remember happy events, and when something goes wrong, think about what is positive about it. Wether its breaking up with someone you love. It helps to beleive in fate, everything happens for a reason. And just all around be brighter. A smile goes a long way.

  5. I think the basic fact is that you need to get rid of your negativity!  

    The best thing I did to start to get that negativity out of my life was with reading the book, The Secret.  It deals with the law of attraction, and getting anything you want out of life.  

    I wish I could tell you after reading the book my whole life changed and I got the job of my dreams and the man of my dreams, etc... it didn't happen this way, and this is not how it works.  For me, it was the SHEER FACT - that by clearing out that negativity - it SET ME & MY MIND FREE!  In that process I found my true happiness that had been buried for so long.

    I think the reason why reading the book and changing your mind set helps, is because this will make you happier, and when you are completely happy with yourself and the life you are living you are friendlier and more pleasant to be around.

    Thanks for reading!

  6. Think happy and cheerful thoughts. Do things you like to do, things that make you happy. Take a vacation to a scenic place and look at the beautiful things in this amazing world. And when something bad happens, think to yourself at least i'm alive.  

  7. Just laugh and smile whether you mean it or not.

    Act the way you want to be and soon you'll be the way you act.

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