
How do you develop confidence?

by  |  earlier

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that leads to independence and self esteem? What do you think has caused the confident to develop as they did ?




  1. I pretended I was confident until I actually was. Hubris is not always a bad thing.

  2. remind yourself of good critisism/compliments you have received recently. think about your own qualities and how you can develop them. work on your weaknesses as well. when you achieve something you think you're rubbish at it will give you a confidence boost. use this for the future.

    i think this is how the confidence can be developed.

  3. your parents are supposed to have helped. making decisions on your own. finding acceptance. knowing who you are. when someone likes what is good about themselves and acknowledges what is bad. then they try to become better people.=)

    please check this out for fun

  4. Me! sums it up quite well; I would only add one has to assume an attitude of infallibility, short of self-delusion. Self-assertion is no bad thing, if backed up by talent and ability. Practice, practice!

    Being 'pushy' is a detriment, to used only in highly competitive situations: in such cases, you'll find your limits promptly, along with some wear and tear. (It's a learning experience, y'see)

    Start early- confidence brings self-esteem and makes you fit for independence; be prepared for rough spots in a testing period.

    Worthwhile goals must be worked for; they never come easily.

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