
How do you develop lactac acid in your legs in the 400m?

by Guest33537  |  earlier

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How do you develop lactac acid in your legs in the 400m?




  1. Lactic acid is a by product of the Krebs or citric acid energy system.

    When you muscles are working fast enough so that your blood can not carry off these by products when they exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide the blood stream and muscle cells have these by products which cause the muscles to cramp or stop working.

    Any exercise that is fast is going to cause a lactic acid build up. If the exercise goes on long enough you are going to freeze up and have to stop.

    This is a mechanism of the body to protect it from harming itself.

  2. As long as you're running or performing some type of slightly over-moderate activity, your body will produce lactic acid. If you feel cramps from excercise, that's the lactic acid building up. It's not a bad thing though, but when you have cramps it just shows that you're pushing yourself. Therefore... if you're challenging yourself, you'll become an even better athlete. So, either way you'll 'develop lactic acid'. If you don't feel cramps, then your body is at a comfortable pace, while if you do feel cramps, your body is working hard.

  3. this is the cross over event i suppose

    you need to have the sprint speed and the endurance to tough it out

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