
How do you develop lesson plans?

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How do you develop lesson plans?




  1. Hi,

    I have created my own syllabus for my 2 yr old.. its not of only aphabets but rhymes.. shapes... some activity like hop, jump. I stay in India and I am hindu.. so Instead of bible text, I read Mahabharat, Ramayan and Ved. I am pasting one table here. It will be in messy.. but still u can have an idea. and u can make changes in that accoridng to ur conveneience.

    Since my daughter is a small.. I gave 2 weeks time for each table activity.. and there is no force... its all while playing... below activites are for 10 days... I have developed this syllabus after visiting number of online syyllabus for nursery kids... All the best!


    1) EnglishConversation :What is your name?

    2) Picture Recognition:

    Fruits:Apple Show the picture of Apple

    Animals:Alligator Show the picture of Alligator

    Vehicle:Airplane Show the picture of airplane

    3) Rhyme : Sing rhymes

    a. A sailor went to sea, sea, sea. To see what he could see, see, see. But all that he could see, see, see. Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.

    b. ABCDEFG

    4) Drawing: Round (Apple, Alligator, Airplane)

    5) Story & Drawing: Thirsty Crow

    6) Alphabet: A Flash a card, Draw on slate, take printout for A

    7) Number: 1 Flash card for number 1. Using abacus

    8) Exercise: Hop, Stringing Beads

    9) Directions: Up and down

    10)Shapes: Round

    11)Touching sense: Cold

    12) Parts of the body: Head











    Additional Words beginning with The Letter A

    Alligator, anchor, antlers, ant, apple, astronaut, ax, airplane

  2. If you mean for pre primary and younger first think about what the children are capable of. Then brainstorm what obsessions and interest they have currently (i.e. bridge building, rockets, dinosaurs, etc) Then develop lesson plans around these themes. Make them each 2 wks in length and include all varieties of learning patterns. Including visual, kinetic, and auditory. Visual is doing things like art. Kinetic is mechanical things like building and sensory. Auditory is things like books on tape. Include other activities that facilitates mathematical and literacy skills.   I have no answers for high school curriculum, but school age curriculum can be developed in much the same way. **Also, check your local library for curriculum ideas from books. I always find loads of ideas, so much I can't use them all. Good luck!

  3. For preschoolers, your lesson plan must be developmentally appropriate for the group you are with!

    First of all, avoid themes! Just because it's November doesn't mean you have to learn about turkeys and pumpkins.

    Find a "topic" that the children are finding interest in right now. Give them raw materials like building blocks, playdoh and puppets and see how they role play...

    write down their words and take observations. You could find that the kids are quite interested in birds, farm animals, or even machines!!

    Once you find a "topic," you can research different activites online. Some great websites include:

    good luck!!

  4. You can keep it very simple for preschool. Pick a topic that goes along with the time of year or early learning(shapes, numbers, alphabet, police, fire safety). Point out key things that go along with your topic, keeping it the time short 10m. Read a simple book from the library about the topic. Then do a craft to go along with it. Preschooler learn best if you keep it short and simple.

  5. One key ingredient is to have a good lesson plan form in which to work off. With a good form, it is easier to remember all the important things that need to be included in the daily schedule, and helps to remember the goals you are trying to achieve. There are lots of samples available on the web and in books.

    I like this site a lot.

    Scroll down to where it says "Program". There is a Weekly Program Plan and an Activity Planning Sheet.

    They can be adapted for your program, family home or daycare center. Or keep looking to find what works for you.

  6. You need to include




    grade level


    Unit of Study --- Ex. Plane and Solid Figures

    Concept- Ex. Angles of plane figures






    Or you could simply look around online

  7. Use the theme that you will be doing

    Do an objective- what the student will learn.


    An Anticipatory Set- something to introduce the lesson.

    The lesson

    Follow-up or conclusion.

    At the end of the unit or theme- a concluding lesson to tie it all in.

    Good luck!

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