
How do you develop thick skin? I'm too sensitive to other people's judgements!?

by Guest67085  |  earlier

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I just been railroaded by my ex. It seems he gets pleasure or maybe a power feeling whenever he puts me down. Unfortunately, I take this very personal and I end up crying alone and believing I deserve all of this. I am soooo tired of being unhappy all the time b/c of the antic of my ex. He dumped me a while ago and left me to the curb. He said he wanted to sleep with other girls. I was sooo in love with him! :(




  1. It's obvious that your ex holds no mature capacity in the mental and emotional sense. No good-hearted man in their right mind would dump one woman for the sake of sleeping with others. It's obvious his "other head" is controlling his life and it's unfortunate that you fell victim to it. But be rest-assured that you're not the only person in this world that has fallen into this same predicament and remember, the man who is worth your tears will be the one that never makes you cry. It was an unfortunate encounter and with every person and experience you go through, you learn from it no matter how hard it may be. What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger and just keep your head up. You'll overcome this hurdle soon enough and you'll get the last laugh once you find out your ex has contracted about 930 STDs and hasn't been able to hold a relationship for more than 5 days.

  2. He probably puts you down to feel better about himself.

    It's got absolutely nothing to do with you. I've been dealing with those sorts of people my whole life, and I've learned that a lot of people are scumbags. When it comes to them, you just have to acknowledge that they're stupid and idiotic and disgusting waste on the ground and forget about them. Don't take their opinions to heart, because it doesn't matter what other people think about you; it's what you think about yourself.

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