
How do you devolpe a good overhand serve?

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I am trying out for my 8th grade team when school starts. You guys got any good tips. I am open for everything.




  1. well...make sure the one of your feet are infront of the other! Make sure when u toss the ball up its not too high and not too low! Then as your toss it take probably one step into it and as you hit the ball make sure that you have a strong hand and not a wimpy noodle! U dont follow through! if u do then it will probably hit the net or go under it! When u hit it your hand should stay straight right infront of you! also! when you hit it wherever your hand is is where the ball is goin to go! so u can guide it! But u got to keep practicing and practicing it doesnt just come to you overnight! So PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!

  2. Find someone who knows how to serve. Ask them to teach you the mechanics (ask the 8th grade coach).

    Begin practicing just the mechanics. Learn to toss the ball to the same place each time you toss it. You can do this in your driveway. A consistent toss is necessary for a consistent serve.

    Work on the other aspects of your serve. Practice serving from the ten foot line. Back up as you consistently serve over the net from each distance until you are serving from the actual serving line. Good luck.

  3. Practice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Practice Practice Practice......etc.

    I'm in 6th grade and have MASTERED my overhand serve.

    Just practice hitting the ball in the air and spiking it that's what helped me alot.

    I love VOLLEYBALL. I hope you make the team.

    Hope this helps.

  5. Direction of our shoulders are facing controls the direction the ball landing. Toss ball a couple of inches in front of you by non-serving hand and straight up, raise you serving arm over your shoulder and extend it to maximum height while your palm touches the back bottom of the ball. Snap your wrist that makes top spin on the ball, let your serving arm following through... Then practice over and over again.

  6. practice you young one

  7. Hey i'm gonna try out for my 8th grade team to this coming year and last year i was on the team. Well it depends wat school u go to and how hard the coach is on the team but the 8th grade volleyball coach was our 7th grade basketball coach so it's kool how we all know each other. But in 7th grade the taught us that u should try serving it against the wall as hard as u can then try it over the net. I f u practice hard it'll be really easy by the time the skool year comes around! Good luck!

  8. i used to not be able to serve at all, i mean it would go 10 feet. seriously

    i just practiced. and practiced. and practiced some more.

    do it slowly and relize you angle of your hand (if your hand is pointing down ,the ball will go down, so make sure that is is angled slightly up) after you have done it slowly, actually do it, and swing hard. dont just tap it.

    make sure you have you feet moving, as it gives you momentum

    assuming you are right handed, step w/ your left foot right as you contact the ball (with your arm strait + and try to get you arm to come down and hit your right thy, if you are right handed, dont crossover as this hurts you elbow, ALOT)

    and last, but not least, DONT SHOT PUT! i did this and it took me all summer to break it...

    hope this helps


  9. a good toss = good serve

    keep your left hand in front of you and right leg forward ( if ur right handed)

    toss, step with your left leg

    pull your arm back and swing, that makes it go harder

    kinda snap your wrist for a spin

    keep practiing

    in might be hard without a net so do the best u can

    good luck

  10. SERVING: Most people, when teaching young learners how to serve, say to....Point, Draw, Toss, Step, and Serve.

    The "point" means to hold the ball in between your hands with one on top and one on the bottom. Most people usually have their right foot forward. Then you "point" to a certain spot that you are trying to serve to.

    To "draw" mean to pull the hand on top of the ball, straight back so that it's even with your ear. Remember, that you want a firm, solid hand to get the ball over the net.

    To "toss" means exactly what it says. You should toss the ball up into the air with the hand on the bottom of the ball. A good server will toss the ball right in front of them. You don't want the ball too far out in front of you that you can't hit it or you may step over the line. Also you don't want the ball tossed too far back that makes it hard to hit it over the net. For some practice, (remembering to have your right foot ahead of your left) toss the ball up in the air and have it land right in between your legs. That is a perfect toss. You should hit the ball when its slightly above your head.

    To "step" refers to after you toss the ball up in the air, to step with your right foot. This is just so that one can get enough power to get the ball over the net. This is a common technique that works for all people.

    Finally to "serve," once you have done all of the directions above then you can finally hit the ball over. You should run all these motions as smoothly as possible. Once you feel comfortable with that, you can try the different kinds of serves. Serves include the top spin, floater, and a curve ball.

    Also lots of practice helps!!!!!!

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