
How do you discipline a 5 and 2 year old?

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I nanny a 2 and 4 1/2 year old boy 12 hours a day. It is so hard to try and reinforce them because there parents give them everything! I have tried teaching them the vlaue of money and adding and taking away based on behavior. By the end of the week, I would take them to the dollar store to by some stuff. Well, if the 4 year old doesnt make enough money, all he has to do is cry and his parents will buy him something anyway. They do angel tree and buy a kid a toy for christmas, and the mom always has to buy 2 of the same gift because the 4 year old wants it. They cant say no to him! I tried taking them some place fun at the end of the week if they get enough "good behavior stars", but the parents will take them anyways. I have talked to the parents about this b4 but nothing has been done. Any advise on how to discipline him? He doesnt listen anymore. I am scared the 2 year old will start this as well.




  1. all it takes is being consistant all the time in every aspect.  if you say no stick to it every time, and at almost 5 years old what worked to make my daughter stop trowing fits and crying in stores is stop and say " your embarassing me, i dont want to be seen with you" and i walked away ( close enough i could still watch her but she thought i actually left her)  honestly it sounds like you and the parents may need to sit down and agree on one discipline plan for the kids. aomething that they  are willing to do to. if they wont then maybe they need to find someone who is ok with the kids' bhavior to watch them.  it sounds ike they arent allowing you a chance for the kids to take you sreiously and that is a bad thing.

  2. with baseball bats that have nails driven through the end of the bat

  3. I have a 6 year old and the trick for me is i talk to him before

    and after to make sure he understands but if you have lost control you need to change they are only kid's

  4. I'm in the same situation here I also work as a nanny but in the UK and the parents I work for give in all the time, the only thing I have found to work so far is to be very strict with them, the parent I work for use the naughty step but not sure if it really works but you could try that, hope this helps

  5. I have a very personal understanding of kids with behavior problems because I displayed severe oppositional, defiant behaviors as a child and teenager. For the past 30 years, I've been a behavioral therapist, focusing my work on helping behaviorally troubled children and teenagers turn around their behavior and take responsibility for their actions.

    I know the frustration, fear, isolation and exhaustion you're feeling as a parent because I've worked with hundreds of parents just like you. Parents of kids with behavior problems feel like they're trapped in little prisons with no way out. No matter how hard they try, they can't escape the endless arguments with and ceaseless hostility from their child.

    No one knows a defiant child better than someone who behaved the same way as a kid.

  6. You need to use positive guidance. The kids need stablilty in you and they need to know what to expect. You need to talk to the parents about what you want to try and okay it with them first, however, you should be consistent in how you work with the children. Find something that they enjoy doing and be consistent in doing that with them if they meet the goals.

    4 year olds are challenging. I have one...I believe that he loves to test the limits and a lot of the time he is more challenging when he is bored or tired.

    2 year olds are challenging but they are fun and they will listen to you when you are caring and have to right approach.

    Show them what to do rather than tell them what to do.

    You can say positives, such as:

    Please walk. Instead of DONT run.

    In the house we use our quiet voices.

    Kids love to have fun, play and be adorable. they also have the tendencies to be challenging at times. Take a breath and have fun with them and they will have a different attitude toward you also.

    You can look on the net about Positive Guidance.

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