
How do you discourage a persistent female stalker?

by  |  earlier

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..who has your pics (shared pics), contact details and private information.




  1. ignore her. do not respond in any way, not even to tell her to leave you alone. any attention is good attention to people like that. you can also block her from contacting you by phone and email.

  2. Tell her, bluntly, to knock it off, then block her wherever you can and change your details and personal info.

  3. Blackmail.

  4. follow greg bird,

    and ram a glass in to her face, then say it was an accident

    ahahahhahaha what a tool

  5. ignore completely act like she doesnt exist

  6. Get a restraining order against her.

  7. ah see ive had a few of these...

    your nice to them and then they just never go away

    then they start calling too much and all that ****...

    wellll first part you did wrong was give her you personal stuff

    but you see the only way to get rid of a girl stlker is to be an *** to them... bluntly if its not totally blunt they'll keep coming at you...


    simple... yet effective...

  8. If she is just stalking you on the internet then make all private information inaccessible to her.. maybe even change your phone number.. I don't know what exactly she does.. is she following you in person. Does she phone you or is all this happening on the internet exclusively.. then change your account details and you should never give out your phone number on the internet or your address ..  your friends do know anyhow. So it would be going too far to get a restraining order against her if she resticts her ''stalking'' of you to the internet.. Let her know you are not interested.. then change the account details and tell your friends the new contact email address etc.. and if she has your private phone number.. change it... leave it unregistered and only tell your personal friends or and your boss about it.. at work... If she is no computer hacker you should be safe from her. If she is waylaying you outside your house.. if this is some kind of ''obsessive love'' kind of stalker, then you have to tell her that you are not interested and if she still persists you then have to get a restraining order against her... an obessive female stalker can be in her way as dangerous as a male stalker to a female '' so if she gets too close and is watching you and waiting for you.. that is a reason to get a restraining order against her.. x

  9. restraining order :)

  10. You  must just find out what attracts her to you, and somehow mess up that aspect of ypurself. Find out what repulses her, and do that! Good luck!!

  11. let her see you take a nasty c**p

  12. Tell her ur g*y and only into guys... she wont use it against u shes just tryin to scare u...

  13. Make Her Mad Tell Her Your g*y Lay Her Mum And If That Dose Not Work Gimme Her Address And You'll Never hear from her again or gimme her phone number and act like a mad black woman and scare her !

  14. fbi

  15. We probably need more information. You use the word "Stalker". Is she a stranger or someone you know? What does she do to "stalk" you? Does she call, visit, follow you, message you?

    As there are no clues to suggest what you mean, I'll go with this. You mentioned shared pics so sounds a bit like an internet thing. If it is then just BLOCK her on everything. Don't reply, not even to tell her to go away. Ignore, ignore, ignore.

    If she's not offensive but just interested in you, then just be careful of the signals you are giving her. Don't flirt in the least - if she talks about s*x or gets flirty, change the subject or just don't reply.

    It's hard to help you without knowing who she is to you and a getting bit more background information. If she's actually STALKING you (following you in real life, turning up at your house, freaking you out etc), call the police.

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