
How do you divide your attention with two kids??

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I have two little girls, ages 8 & 9yrs. old. My oldest is difficult to manage- she does not do very well in school and wants to be just like her friends (who are not the greatest kids)! My youngest does great in school and whines ALOT!!! How am I supposed to praise my youngest without discouraging my oldest when it comes to good grades? They also do not like to share my attention at all! They fight all the time (arguing that is) and just refuse to listen to the rules! I have tried all kinds of discipline (including spanking- which I do not like to do) and nothing seems to work. I feel like I'm letting them down as a mom! Any tips??




  1. Its very hard. Being a single father with custody. I have an 11 yo daughter and a 8 year old son. We usually spend most of my time doing things together. Its hard to split my time between both of them. If one wants to do something, The other has to come along. Weather they like it or not. But we make the best of it.

  2. i've tried to designate time for each child where they have my undivided attention and we do what they want and i do that with no one else. the other two have learned (slowly) that this means they have to go to dad or play with each other etc when it's not their turn. it's hard i'll give u that, but worth the arguements. ( i have a 10, 4 and 2 yr old boys)

  3. Try it with 4 LOL..  This is something that you are going to have to figure out.  Each child is different and as you seen their needs are different.

    My tip is you are the parent take back control.  You need to stop and write down how you handle things.  Than look at this list and say how can I handle this better.

    The best tip I can give you is learn the look that only mothers can give when a child is acting up.  There is a look that most mothers have and when given my children stop what they are doing.

    Children are only as good as the parenting that they have received.

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