
How do you do Wudu when you are fasting?

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I am fasting today, and i have broken my Wudu and i need to pray, but i dont know how to do Wudu, because water will get in my mouth and it will break my fast. What should i do?




  1. The only difference is that you do not gargle while rinsing your mouth.

    The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam) said:

    “When you perform wudoo’, rinse your mouth and nose well unless you are fasting.”

    An authentic hadeeth; graded authentic by Ibn-ul-Qattaan (Bayaan-ul-Wahm wal-Eehaam, 5/593) and Al-Hilaalee (Takhreej-ul-Muharrar, 46).

  2. Do it just the same.

    make sure not to swallow the water though.

    Getting water in ur ,mouth will not break ur fast.

    Only swallowing it will.

    Dont sweat it. Happy Ramzan.


  3. Everybody performs Wudu the same when fasting and when not fasting there is no difference. You are not breaking fast by having water in your month, rinsing and spitting it out. You have only broken Wudu if you swallow the water and we never swallow the water when performing Wudu it is always just to rinse our mouths.

    Wudu is just the same fasting or not. Hope that helps.

    Ramadan Mubarak...

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