
How do you do a back walkover??

by  |  earlier

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i can never seem to get them and when i try to kick over from a brige it just doesnt work i need some HELP!




  1. When you are stretching your bridge, start by rocking back and forth between your hands and your feet.  Try to push your chest over your hands so that your shoulders are are past your hands (away from your feet).  This will help increase your shoulder flexibility and in turn help with the kicking over.  Also, try doing your bridge on a raised or an inclined surface.  This will assist in the kickover, and as you get better you can move back to the flat floor.  After you have mastered the kickover, try to go from standing to the backbend to the kickover all in one motion.  After you have this, you can then do the backwalkover.  The only big difference is that you start with one leg forward and kick over as you are bending backwards.  The legs are never on the floor at the same time until the ending lunge.  I hope this helps!

  2. Doing a back walkover takes serious stomach muscles and flexibility.  When you are kicking over, it's all in the stomach.  Start doing serious sit ups to build up the muscles.  Also work on your back flexibility.  The more flexible your back is the easier it will be to get the leg over.  If you are doing a walkover from a bridge you won't have enough momentum to kick over.  If you do it from a standing backbend, you will.

  3. It always helps to start with one leg up and off the ground.  As your arms are reaching backwards to the floor, your leg goes at the same speed and kind of pushes you towards the ground, and gives you enough power to kick over.  Try getting some more back flexibility and do 30 crunches every day.  Hope this helps, and good luck!!

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