
How do you do a backflip on regular ground?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 13, 5'6", 130 lbs, pretty athletic and fit, and I can do backflips in water and on trampoline with no problem at all. I can do front handsprings, long handstands, and jump fairly high. I'm not afraid of landing on my head or neck, nor am i of going backwards. I will probobly land on my knees the first time, but I'm asking the for precaution. I do not want to go to a gym, have a spotter, or take gymnastics... I just want to do a flip, so do u think I could... My friends and i do.

Oh yeah, I'm a second degree black belt too




  1. practice on an old matress fist or a mat watch a video on it and get a feel for how you do it you really need momentum so get a good running start do not try this on solid ground‼good luck‼

  2. you can't just flip im pretty sure. you need momentum. do a cartwheel then twist in the air. i recommend doing it over a mat to start with.

  3. UMMM Please don't land on ur head. But what you need to do is: keep ur hands by ur side and stand up straight.  The ur going to go into somewhat of a sitting position then jumphard and flip over.  This is easier watch this

  4. This is the perfect video for you.

    The guy lays it out step by step, and it's only about 4 minutes long :)

  5. I think its in the tuck and not being nevous about doing it.

    I fat and old and cant do that kind of thing any more but thats how I remember it.

  6. hmm ok first jump a little get warmed up

    then u gotta practice in a pool for the flipping part unless u wanna break ur neck

    when u get that then just jump spin, grab ur knees spin,and land


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